Shoshin: You sent me a payment for $22.10, but owe $38.34. Please send the additional $16.24, ASAP.
Frits: Thanks for your payment! :rockin:
Tony: I will deduct the $5.58 for what I owe you.
Jason: Still waiting on the $33.26 owed.
Funnycreature: Go ahead and send me the PayPal for the $5.11 that you owe, it will just make things easier to track.
BigBeavK: We are squared up (from that Pils and C120 we split up).
Robfar: Thanks for your payment! :rockin:
Ovenfresh: Still waiting for the $5.58 owed.
Stuppy: Still waiting for the $22.10 owed.
CaptainAl: Still waiting for the $22.42 owed.
Payment should be made to
[email protected], via PayPal. Please ensure you send it as "Friend or Family".
Thanks to all. Let's get these tabs all paid up so the grain order gets sent in!