DC Area Group Buy #11

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Looks like there is still five# of Victory split. I'll take it (and if it's already closed or someone else wants it, I'm not wedded to it)
Can I still get in on this? If so:

WEY1003 Weyermann® Pilsner 25 Kg (55 Lb.)

1 sack.

Going to go look at the remaining splits now.

Sure, we're open till Friday midnight.

Looks like there is still five# of Victory split. I'll take it (and if it's already closed or someone else wants it, I'm not wedded to it)

Added. Another one filled. Thank you!
I'll add 5# of the Rahr White Wheat to my order.

Come on guys - you know you want some of that Flaked Wheat! Get some!
To help the cause:

5# C80
10# flaked wheat

thank you!


Current Status:
56 sacks, 3 of those are open splits with only 40# to go in total. I think we can make it.
Keep gobbling up those last splits while they last.

Or if you want some Dehusked Carafa II, I'm sure burning_ties will be happy to return some to the bin. Black ales and lagers are all the fashion now.
Absolutely, would be happy to part with some of the D-Husked Carafa II if anyone is interested.

I could put it back to "15# available" so it's clearer that it's still, well... available. More chance for someone to grab it. Then at the end of the buy you can take the remainder if any is left.
Paid Stonebrewer. I will be out of town on pick up day, but Fritz has offered to pick up my order. Thanks Fritz!
I could put it back to "15# available" so it's clearer that it's still, well... available. More chance for someone to grab it. Then at the end of the buy you can take the remainder if any is left.

Sounds good to me thanks Fritz.

I've reset Carafa II back to 15# available.

Current Status:
56 sacks, 4 of those are open splits with only 50# to go.
Keep gobbling up those splits while they last.

Please check your inventory and brew plans. Maybe you can help out by taking some of the open splits. Thank you!
I'll get those last #15 lbs of C-80L to help close it out. I don't mind parting with 5 lbs if someone wants to pick them up.
I'll get those last #15 lbs of C-80L to help close it out. I don't mind parting with 5 lbs if someone wants to pick them up.

If we do that, once the "for grabs" amount shows 0, no-one is ever going to look at it again.

I can keep your offer "in mind" and at the end of the buy give you all that's left. Wanna do that? Or do you need/want to buy a minimum say 5# and take the rest later if any is left?
If we do that, once the "for grabs" amount shows 0, no-one is ever going to look at it again.

I can keep your offer "in mind" and at the end of the buy give you all that's left. Wanna do that? Or do you need/want to buy a minimum say 5# and take the rest later if any is left?

You're right, people will look right over it. How about you leave #5 up and if no one buys it by Thursday evening I'll buy it.
I'll propose a similar deal for the last 5# of the white wheat split:

If nobody buys it by late Thursday night, I will take it, and brew wheat beer all summer long.
First timer here. I'd like to get:

2 x BRI1002 Briess 2-row Brewers
1 x CRI1002 Crisp Gleneagles Maris Otter

I'll also pickup the last 5# of C-80L to help close that out.

I'll propose a similar deal for the last 5# of the white wheat split:

If nobody buys it by late Thursday night, I will take it, and brew wheat beer all summer long.

OK, you've got the same deal. I always like it when Split Originators take responsibility for their initial grain offer. :)

I use 60% wheat in my Witbier, 4# wheat malt + 2# wheat flakes (5.5 gallons batch). It's nice and wheaty. I may go to 80% wheat next time.

So 3 batches can clear that 20# supply out.
Plus a pound of wheat is often used in other styles.
I use 60% wheat in my Witbier, 4# wheat malt + 2# wheat flakes (5.5 gallons batch). It's nice and wheaty. I may go to 80% wheat next time.

So 3 batches can clear that 20# supply out.
Plus a pound of wheat is often used in other styles.

Wheat malt and wheat flakes in the same beer? People do this?

I'm just making the leap from extract to all-grain and my head is spinning: I just assembled my burner, and just ordered some parts to convert a cooler etc...too much data at once!
Wheat malt and wheat flakes in the same beer? People do this?

Of course!

I'm just making the leap from extract to all-grain and my head is spinning: I just assembled my burner, and just ordered some parts to convert a cooler etc...too much data at once!

If you feel a bit overwhelmed by all the variables thrown at you for your first all grain, watch some Youtube videos to get the hang of the procedure. The best way to practice is by doing a test mash with a small batch of grain in a large enough pot, like a 1-2 gallon pot. The smell of the mash will also wet your appetite.

Heat 1.5 qt of strike water to the right temperature using the Brew365 mash calculator, add your crushed grains and mash it, stir like it owes you money. Cover and put in 150°F pre-heated oven. What you want to do is pull it out every 10 minutes and monitor the temperature and the changes in the mash.

After 1 hour strain through a sieve or colander, and do a vorlauf to remove the grain bits and starch. You should have a quart of pretty clear sweet wort in the end. Measure gravity with a hydrometer, or refractometer if you have one.

Then sparge it 2 times with 1/2 a quart of water each. Capture each sparge separately from the previous running(s) and take a gravity reading of the wort collected. See if it all makes sense.

Do it again if you want more practice, you can even add some specialty grain or crystal to it. When confident, do the full mash in your cooler. You can add the wort you made earlier to your kettle.

I know you're going to be hooked after that.
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I better take 5# of the flaked wheat.


John Palmer says:
Flaked Wheat Unmalted wheat is a common ingredient in wheat beers, including: American Wheat, Bavarian Weisse, and is essential to Belgian Lambic and Wit. It adds starch haze and high levels of protein. Flaked wheat adds more wheat flavor "sharpness" than malted wheat. Use 0.5-2 lb. per 5 gal batch. Must be mashed with base malt.

John Palmer says:
Flaked Wheat Unmalted wheat is a common ingredient in wheat beers, including: American Wheat, Bavarian Weisse, and is essential to Belgian Lambic and Wit. It adds starch haze and high levels of protein. Flaked wheat adds more wheat flavor "sharpness" than malted wheat. Use 0.5-2 lb. per 5 gal batch. Must be mashed with base malt.

I have a Hoegaarden clone in secondary. I threw 2 lbs of flaked wheat into the mash!

And my LHBS charges $ 2.40 per pound, so at $0.90 it's an absolute steal!
I have a Hoegaarden clone in secondary. I threw 2 lbs of flaked wheat into the mash!

And my LHBS charges $ 2.40 per pound, so at $0.90 it's an absolute steal!

Yup, we have a pretty decent deal going here. And it used to be even better from CMG, alas not with as much grain variety as we have now.

I'm out of wheat beer, so time to brew another 11 gallon batch. Click in my sidebar under Recipes. It's a different take on Hoegaarden.
Wheat malt and wheat flakes in the same beer? People do this?

I'm just making the leap from extract to all-grain and my head is spinning: I just assembled my burner, and just ordered some parts to convert a cooler etc...too much data at once!

I'm sure someone in this group would like to have an assistant to help with their next AG brewday. That's a great way to get the gist of the process before tackling it on your own.
Trying to help close out the last splits. I'll take 5 lbs of the Flaked Wheat.

Added. Thanks for helping out.

Current Status (2 days left):
59 sacks, 3 of those are open splits with only 25# to go. We're almost there.
Keep gobbling up those splits while they last.

Open Splits:
Weyermann D-Husked Carafa II 15#
Flaked White Wheat 5#
Rahr White Wheat 5#
Think Wheat!


if it gets down to it Ill take the last 5 lbs of wheat...about 50% of the beers I brew have wheat in them! I could also take 5 lbs of carafa, since it will last about 10 years.

if it gets down to it Ill take the last 5 lbs of wheat...about 50% of the beers I brew have wheat in them! I could also take 5 lbs of carafa, since it will last about 10 years.

I've been called worse :mug:

Do you want to claim them now or wait till the end, then take whatever is left of those 2?

Which one, wheat malt or do you want the flakes?
I'll claim the last 5# of wheat malt, closing it out (and bringing my wheat malt total to 10#).

If it isn't claimed, I'll also take responsibility for the last 5# of flaked wheat since it's my open split...unless claphamsa actually wants it and you're not just claiming it to help close it.

I sent the payments for my order. My husband, Mike, will be picking up for me since I already have plans that day that keep me away. I'm kinda sad though, cause I was looking forward to meeting my fellow group buyers. Next time I guess.

What should I have him bring for the splits? What works best to put them in?

Thanks to IslandLizard and stonebrewer for being willing to invest time into making this work for us! I truly appreciate it!
idont use flaked...only malt! and i can wait, i have enough carafa still to last me a year :)

If I understand you correctly, you'll take 5# of Carafa II but let the wheat malt go for next buy?

I'll claim the last 5# of wheat malt, closing it out (and bringing my wheat malt total to 10#).

If it isn't claimed, I'll also take responsibility for the last 5# of flaked wheat since it's my open split...unless claphamsa actually wants it and you're not just claiming it to help close it.


Not sure about claphamsa, if he wants the wheat malt now or wait till next time.

But you'll get last 5# of flaked wheat at the end, if no-one else wants it.
I sent the payments for my order. My husband, Mike, will be picking up for me since I already have plans that day that keep me away. I'm kinda sad though, cause I was looking forward to meeting my fellow group buyers. Next time I guess.

What should I have him bring for the splits? What works best to put them in?

Thanks to IslandLizard and stonebrewer for being willing to invest time into making this work for us! I truly appreciate it!

Received, thank you.

Yes, it's a pity you can't be there yourself. We always like to meet the new buyers and put faces with them. And we sometimes have a little social gathering at the end which makes it even more worthwhile.