DC Area Group Buy #11

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Invented the IPL
HBT Supporter
Mar 8, 2012
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This group buy is open to HBT members who are local to the DC metro area, including MD and VA as well as the district. A limited number of folks in the Charlottesville/Waynesboro/Staunton area may participate as I drive there 6-8 times a year, but you must be willing to wait for my next trip home...

The intent of this buy is to be held on a regular schedule. We do not have a minimum order to make so we can schedule this to happen on a regular timetable and that allows you to plan your buys to the way you brew instead of having to stock up like the old model forced you to. Looks like we are getting in a groove with the buy happening every 6-7 weeks.

Some "info" and "rules" to go over:

* If you want the price list, PM me your email address...otherwise you don't get it!
* PAYMENT is via PayPal only! Pay two weeks before the buy end, by Friday at midnight. Pay me at the email address I used to send you the link to the sheet. Use the pay friend/family option and DO NOT pay via PayPal check! PLEASE put your HBT moniker in the note section so I know who you are. Collating email addresses is a pain!
* You can pay in advance. I don't encourage this unless you are someone who doesn't check the buy thread ~daily. If you travel a lot like I do, it may make sense for you to pay in advance as well. Remember we can refund you up to 60 days from PayPal and we can always just "pay" you if it goes beyond 60 days.
* We allow splitting of sacks (no base malts please!) cuz who keeps 50 pounds of Carafa III in their local storage? Full sack payments go to stonebrewer; split sack payments go to IslandLizard, who keeps track of all split information and then pays me at the end of the buy.

* The pickup location is at 3 Stars brewery in DC
* TBD but we are doing this either every month or every other month (based on demand) and based on the weekends that Mike works...
* NOTE Recent Change:The pickup will occur the Sat. two weeks after the buy closes, so buy closes Friday night, order goes in Sat. AM, pick up the second Sat. AM at 3 Stars.
* Pickup time is 11 AM and ends at 12 or 12:30 AM (TBD), right before they can fill growlers so come prepared to buy from the HBS and get your growler(s) filled!
* If you cannot pick up your grain, you MUST arrange with someone else to do so and let either IslandLizard or I know who is picking up your grain
* If you suggest a split, you must pay IslandLizard, like everyone else who wants a share of your sack. IslandLizard controls all payments and keep track of all splits on the same set of sheets we send you a link to; check status there before asking in the forum.
* In the past we have had issues with some sacks not showing up or the wrong sacks showing up; be forewarned that this can happen, though this is a new supplier so hopefully it won't
* The price list is given out by email so if you want it PM me with your email; no email, no list, no exceptions
* The price list is private, do not share with others. Have them contact me. Do not discuss pricing on the forum. Do not give out the link.
* When ordering please use a standard format, for example copy and paste the SKU + grain straight off the price list. Something like this:

2 x BRI1004 Briess Pilsen 50 lb
1 x MUN1001 Muntons Maris Otter 25 kg (55 lb)

10# WEY1031 Weyermann® CaraMunich I® 25 Kg (55 Lb.):

* ...and put it at the bottom of your post, away from text to make it stand out. In this example, the buyer is asking for 3 full sacks and to start a split of CaraMunich, of which he is taking 10 pounds.
* If you are buying splits, please quote the primary buyers post as part of your request post to make it easy for us to see what split you are taking.
* We currently create a very complete set of sheets that we keep on google drive with all the information about a buy. Please check it before asking questions. If it is not up to date, give us some time before posting. We do have real jobs, families, and we also like to brew from time to time...
* The brewery has growler hours at 1PM; they cannot sell you a growler before that by law. Don't ask.
* The brewery has a small homebrew store; PLEASE snag some hops, yeast, etc. to show your appreciation.
I'm reserving this 2nd post (make that 3rd) for updates and modifications to our SPLITS system.

Buy #10 was the 2nd consecutive time we were unable to reach a splits participant for payment due. We salvaged the deal, but not without astringency.

I'm thinking of making Splits payments due a week before the whole sacks buy closes. Any unpaid splits go back into the pool and will be for grabs that week.
You can still buy more splits during the last week, but they need to be prepaid (Paypal Friends & Family).
This stipulation does not apply to regulars. But we may need to define what makes one.

Check your contact info:
I would like everyone to double-check their info on the last tab of the spreadsheet and send me updates. Also, the Primary email listed should be the email you regularly check so we can always reach you. This does not necessarily have to be your Paypal email. I'll add another column for an Alternate email address as well.
under the "Thread Tools" menu, top right corner above stonebrewer's original post, is a "Subscribe to this Thread" option. people can use that instead of posting a "subscribed" message, if they want :D

So much more fun the other way, though. ;-)

P.S. I might be up for some Santiam, after all, in trade for that second Better Bottle.
So I'm wondering what else I should stock up on. This will be my second group buy. This week, I'm picking up a full sack of 2 row and a bunch of other stuff.

How long does stuff keep? A year? I guess it depends on storage.
So I'm wondering what else I should stock up on. This will be my second group buy. This week, I'm picking up a full sack of 2 row and a bunch of other stuff.

How long does stuff keep? A year? I guess it depends on storage.

if you store it right.... 1.5 years easy
Key is to limit exposure to oxygen and moisture, so a home depot bucket will do, or you can go fancy and buy something made to store food (animal or human). I use buckets for the most part. Most of the "use by" labels I see on malt these days have 1.5-2 years on them. So it keeps a long time...
That's what I figured (and where most of my grain will go). My concern is temperature. Most likely, I'm stuck with a non-climate controlled garage. How much problem will the temp and humidity swings cause? Or should I be trying to find room in the house?
That's what I figured (and where most of my grain will go). My concern is temperature. Most likely, I'm stuck with a non-climate controlled garage. How much problem will the temp and humidity swings cause? Or should I be trying to find room in the house?

I would probably find a closet or some corner in the house to store them. I don't store anything in the garage due to temps AND the fear it will attract rodents or other things that eat malt...
So I'm wondering what else I should stock up on. This will be my second group buy. This week, I'm picking up a full sack of 2 row and a bunch of other stuff.

How long does stuff keep? A year? I guess it depends on storage.

This week? Pickup for buy #10 is on the Nov 22nd!

I keep mine in 1 gallon Hefty Zipper Freezer bags, with as much air squeezed out as possible. They have the blue zipper/slider, very handy. Those are stored then in plastic totes or Keith's buckets. I know those freezer bags aren't air tight, but they work well for their purpose. I've kept grains for 2 years, without any problem.

I actually found some milled specialty grains that were 5 years old, and smelled and tasted just fine. I've used them up.

Whole sacks I'm storing in a cool corner or cool closet in my home. Very dry area is important, as is absence of any odors, like cleaning and laundry products, and don't shared with the kitty. :D

During the cold season, the garage is a very good place, as long as your storage bins are very well sealed and vermin proof. I've heard they can chew through a plastic garbage bin, given enough time and desire. I had a squirrel eat his way through my eve. Getting the bugger out of my attic space was a real hassle.
Yeah, 11/22 I knew. Problem is, I don't know what today is.

Ok, more to the point: is Maris Otter the same as pale malt?

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That's what I figured (and where most of my grain will go). My concern is temperature. Most likely, I'm stuck with a non-climate controlled garage. How much problem will the temp and humidity swings cause? Or should I be trying to find room in the house?

Hey GM or anyone else in the area if Monrovia isn't to far out of your way I have a grain mill and currently about 30 Specialty grains and would be happy to share. You can refer to the old grain buys sheets and just pay what ever I paid. I have plenty of room in my basement to store stuff nice n cool. Once I finish with this buy I can send you a spreadsheet of what I have in stock. :D
Hey GM or anyone else in the area if Monrovia isn't to far out of your way I have a grain mill and currently about 30 Specialty grains and would be happy to share. You can refer to the old grain buys sheets and just pay what ever I paid. I have plenty of room in my basement to store stuff nice n cool. Once I finish with this buy I can send you a spreadsheet of what I have in stock. :D

Always a cool guy willing to help a fellow brewer out!!!

You're the man, Keith!
Will do when I figure out what I'm brewing over the winter.

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I've found MO to be very similar to Pale malt. I like the MO a little better, seems slightly more earthy, but the price doesn't justify the difference IMO.
Been a while since I did a bulk buy, but I just sourced a 30 gallon rye whiskey barrel so I have a lot of beer to brew. One question -- can the supplier access Best Malz pilsner malt? Thanks.

EDIT: need to start brewing now so I'm going to have to suck it up and buy some of the sacks from the local HBS.

2 x BRI1002 Briess 2-Row Brewers 50 lb
Been a while since I did a bulk buy, but I just sourced a 30 gallon rye whiskey barrel so I have a lot of beer to brew. One question -- can the supplier access Best Malz pilsner malt? Thanks.

3 x BRI1002 Briess 2-Row Brewers 50 lb


Contact Tony directly to inquire about Best Malz availability.
Off topic:

My new keggles...





LOL at it taking 23 posts before someone actually ordered some grains :D

I blame myself.

I won't be ordering on the next one until after pickup next week for #10.

But, I am curious what people think of the various pilsner malts on offer.

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I use the Rahr Premium Pils for the Bitburger pils and I've used the Weyermann Bohemian pils. I like the Rahr just fine. I just got a fresh bag of the Rahr if you want to try some.
My favorite is Best Malz, but that was when we weren't buying from BSG.

That said, there isn't much different between Weyermann and them.
<Updated 2014-DEC-06 to remove all but wheat split>

Can you put me down for:

35# RAH1008 Rahr White Wheat 50 lb

Can you put me down for:

1x RAH1002 Rahr Standard 2-Row 50 lb
1x RAH1005 Rahr Premium Pilsner 50 lb

I'd also be interested in starting the following splits:
35# RAH1002 Rahr Standard 2-Row 50 lb
10# RAH1005 Rahr Premium Pilsner 50 lb
35# RAH1008 Rahr White Wheat 50 lb
35# MUN1001 Muntons Maris Otter 25 kg (55 lb)

(Totally flexible on the wheat and MO splits if people would prefer splitting a different brand)

EDIT: Just saw the note about not splitting base malts...If that's still frowned upon, I'll bump by 2-row up to 2x full sacks, and drop the pilsner split. Do wheat and MO count there?

Just saw your edit...
Yeah, I don't see the point of splitting those 2 base malts? I can understand the Wheat and the MO in some ways, but not common 2-row and Pilsner. Maybe a specialty Pilsner

Splitting is a lot of work and those 2 make little sense, particularly in the light of you're getting a sack of each anyway.

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