DC Area Group Buy #10

Homebrew Talk

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Keith's Bitburger is fantastic. I have 10 gallons of it in the fermenter now and am hoping it is half as good as what he shared with me! Three more weeks, fermentation is pretty much done now, at 34F and I start carbing it up. Can't wait!!


Indeed it is. I got it on my list to brew now after trying his. I'd like to try yours as well :mug:
Keith's Bitburger is fantastic. I have 10 gallons of it in the fermenter now and am hoping it is half as good as what he shared with me! Three more weeks, fermentation is pretty much done now, at 34F and I start carbing it up. Can't wait!!


A German Pilsner is definitely next on my list... I need to stop by Keith's at some point!
I wish I could take credit for this great recipe but it's not mine. The only thing I added was a little more Pils, Carapils, Magnum and Perle since I do 6 gallon batches. I also have several jars of yeast WLP800 saved so you are welcome to come get some for a starter. :D

I'm going to try making this into an IPL this weekend. I found a couple oz of Amarillo that were not sealed properly so I'm adding some C10, Honey Malt etc to balance it out. Wish me luck! :mug:

The way I look at it Keith it is yours, anytime you modify a recipe it then becomes yours, IMHO. Still looking forward to trying those beers, just been working ALOT lately.

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I wish I could take credit for this great recipe but it's not mine. The only thing I added was a little more Pils, Carapils, Magnum and Perle since I do 6 gallon batches. I also have several jars of yeast WLP800 saved so you are welcome to come get some for a starter. :D

I'm going to try making this into an IPL this weekend. I found a couple oz of Amarillo that were not sealed properly so I'm adding some C10, Honey Malt etc to balance it out. Wish me luck! :mug:


considering im using more and more vial yeast... I need to figure out yeast washing.
considering im using more and more vial yeast... I need to figure out yeast washing.

My advice is don't! Instead, get your vial or vials and make a starter. Dump the crap beer and repeat. Pull off about a vial's worth and put it in the fridge for the next brew. Continue to build the starter until you have the desired pitch amount. Rinse and repeat on the next brew week. I used to wash yeast, but now do this and feel it is much easier, better. I also toss a gallon of water in the mash tun once drained and let it sit. I pull this off and put it into a gallon jug and this is my starter "fuel" for the next go around.
Please add the following to my order:

CAS1002 Château Pilsen 2-Row 25 Kg (55 Lb.)

5lb or whatever the minimum split is on the existing order:
Château Biscuit 25 Kg (55 Lb.) CAS1051

Has there been a date decided for the order?
Add 10 of this for me please.

Screw it, I just planned another wheat beer. Let me close the split with 20 lbs.

20# it is.

Please add the following to my order:

CAS1002 Château Pilsen 2-Row 25 Kg (55 Lb.)

5lb or whatever the minimum split is on the existing order:
Château Biscuit 25 Kg (55 Lb.) CAS1051

Has there been a date decided for the order?

Both added.

Tentatively we have October 24 midnight as the closing date. That may well change, depending on how many sacks we have. 27 so far but 7 of those are still open splits. We're trying to get around 40 or more to make it worth our time.
I need the following:

1x Crisp Finest Maris Otter Ale 55lb CRI1001
1x Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner 55lb WEY1004
Can I get:

5# Briess 2-Row Caramel 40L 50 lb BRI1035
5# Crisp Crystal 60L 25 kg (55 lb) CRI1036


Please put me down for:

1 sack - RAH1002 Rahr Standard 2-Row 50 lb

Also, put me down for the following splits:

5 lbs - (BRI1035) Briess 2-Row Caramel 40L (50 lb)
5 lbs - (CRI1036) Crisp Crystal 60L 25 kg (55 lb)


Kirk :mug:

I'll go for 10# of the C40 BRI1035
We need to finish out that DME split. Only 10lbs left. Cmon guys i know you need DME for starters.
We need to finish out that DME split. Only 10lbs left. Cmon guys i know you need DME for starters.

How long is that stuff viable for starters once opened? And how much (by weight) would you use in a typical starter? I have my stirplate 90% finished, so you make a good point :)
How long is that stuff viable for starters once opened? And how much (by weight) would you use in a typical starter? I have my stirplate 90% finished, so you make a good point :)

Well since its a fine powder, id guess it could last years if stored properly. i mean if its just for starters then you don't care how it tastes as long as it ferments and makes more yeast.

Also i like to make big starters and save some yeast in mason jars for future brews. That way i don't have to yeast wash or buy more yeast.
How long is that stuff viable for starters once opened? And how much (by weight) would you use in a typical starter? I have my stirplate 90% finished, so you make a good point :)

Store it dry in zip lock bags, and it will last for years. I like the "Hefty" ones with the zipper. A quart bag holds 1.5 pounds of DME easily. By the time that quart bag is finished it's sticky enough to pitch or wash out if you want to reuse (I do).

For 1.040 starters you need a 1:10 ratio of DME to water, or 10% in weight. So for a 1.5 liter starter you need 150 grams of DME, that's 1/3 pound.

So 10# of DME is enough for 30 1.5 liter starters.

I now prefer my regular starters to be 1.035.
Store it dry in zip lock bags, and it will last for years. I like the "Hefty" ones with the zipper. A quart bag holds 1.5 pounds of DME easily. By the time that quart bag is finished it's sticky enough to pitch or wash out if you want to reuse (I do).

For 1.040 starters you need a 1:10 ratio of DME to water, or 10% in weight. So for a 1.5 liter starter you need 150 grams of DME, that's 1/3 pound.

So 10# of DME is enough for 30 1.5 liter starters.

I now prefer my regular starters to be 1.035.

Ya, don't be cheap like me and use the off brand sandwich bags... Def wasn't airtight and all my premeasured bags are hard as a rock. Can't fit it in my Erlenmeyer so I have to put it in a sauce pan and transfer
Well since its a fine powder, id guess it could last years if stored properly. i mean if its just for starters then you don't care how it tastes as long as it ferments and makes more yeast.

Also i like to make big starters and save some yeast in mason jars for future brews. That way i don't have to yeast wash or buy more yeast.

My prepper GF won't let me touch her mason jars. Something about TEOTWAKI. I keep telling her, I'm going to be the only source of drinkable liquids, but she's not buying it.

Store it dry in zip lock bags, and it will last for years. I like the "Hefty" ones with the zipper. A quart bag holds 1.5 pounds of DME easily. By the time that quart bag is finished it's sticky enough to pitch or wash out if you want to reuse (I do).

For 1.040 starters you need a 1:10 ratio of DME to water, or 10% in weight. So for a 1.5 liter starter you need 150 grams of DME, that's 1/3 pound.

So 10# of DME is enough for 30 1.5 liter starters.

I now prefer my regular starters to be 1.035.

Ok, I'll take 5# of that DME split.
My prepper GF won't let me touch her mason jars. Something about TEOTWAKI. I keep telling her, I'm going to be the only source of drinkable liquids, but she's not buying it.

Ok, I'll take 5# of that DME split.

You've got it. And you'll be back for more... I hope. More and bigger starters means more good beer, and that's what we're here for. That last Bud commercial really irked me.
I'd brew more but high A1C levels limit my ability to drink.

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Sorry to be OT but if anyone wants hops id be more than willing to trade or sell some organic potted rhizomes. I have; centennial, cascade, santian, and magnum. I could use some yeast strains, and brew buckets since i ditched using glass (see "dangers of glass carboys"). Trade would be at the next group buy.

Bigbeavk, Claphamsa, and IslandLizard let me know if you want any free rhizomes.
For 1.040 starters you need a 1:10 ratio of DME to water, or 10% in weight. So for a 1.5 liter starter you need 150 grams of DME, that's 1/3 pound.

I now prefer my regular starters to be 1.035.

Whaaa!!! are u implying that liters is based off SG of water? I never knew that. Why the hell does the imperial system even exist!!!
ill take 10, and take 10 of chocolate once one gets started :) or maybe ill start one when i get a chance.

Got you down for 10# Light Munich.
Let us know what kind of chocolate you'll want to split. Many varieties on the list.

Sorry to be OT but if anyone wants hops id be more than willing to trade or sell some organic potted rhizomes. I have; centennial, cascade, santian, and magnum. I could use some yeast strains, and brew buckets since i ditched using glass (see "dangers of glass carboys"). Trade would be at the next group buy.

Bigbeavk, Claphamsa, and IslandLizard let me know if you want any free rhizomes.

Isn't it better to leave the rhizomes in the ground/pots until early spring for planting at that time?

Meanwhile let me think about your offer and trade. I'm a little low on good varieties of yeast stock right now but will be building them up over the next few months.

I saw in that dreadful compendium what that carboy did to you and don't blame you for staying away from glass. I hope you heal fast and well, without any permanent damage. I now only use (older Mexican and Italian) glass carboys for long term aging and sours, and very carefully. Buckets for everything else. Easier to clean too. Sneak a skinny tube down the grommet hole to suck out samples.

Whaaa!!! are u implying that liters is based off SG of water? I never knew that. Why the hell does the imperial system even exist!!!

Actually, to be precise, that 10% DME solution would be 150gr DME dissolved with water to yield exactly 1.5 liter. Not 150gr DME + 1.5 liter water, that would be more than 1.5 liter total, and not at 10% either.

Calculations in Metric/SI are so much easier than Imperial or US standard. But still I brew in gallons and weight grain in pounds. Recipes in metric make little sense to me, I have to convert them back to SA.

Even in Continental Europe they have 2x4s, 2x10s, etc. and all sheeting is in feet/inches. Yet, no-one in the building trade there uses an imperial measuring tape AFAIK. So 16 inch centers come out to really weird numbers in centimeters. :rolleyes:
Hi All,

New to the group buy, happy to help out the day of pick-up. So far I've only brewed from kits, getting excited about trying my hand at creating some recipes.

I'd like to split a (BRI1002 Briess 2-Row Brewers 50 lb), taking 20 pounds.

Out of the existing splits, I'd like:

  1. 5lbs of SIM1071 - Oats
  2. 5lbs of WEY1063 - Biscuit

Hi All,

New to the group buy, happy to help out the day of pick-up. So far I've only brewed from kits, getting excited about trying my hand at creating some recipes.

I'd like to split a (BRI1002 Briess 2-Row Brewers 50 lb), taking 20 pounds.

Out of the existing splits, I'd like:

  1. 5lbs of SIM1071 - Oats
  2. 5lbs of WEY1063 - Biscuit


Welcome to the group buy!
And sure we can use your help, thanks for offering.

About the Briess 2-row... Since it's such a common base malt, we don't want to split that. You should get a whole sack of that. Good alternatives are Rahr 2-row or pale malt or so.
Now if it were a more exotic base malt, such as Crisp Gleneagles MO, there maybe others digging a split.

The WEY1063 is CaraAroma, not Biscuit.
The Biscuit on the split list is CAS1051 (Château)
Please advise which you want.

==> Added 5# of naked oats. A-OK!
I'm up for 20lb of the Crisp Gleneagles MO, rather than the Briess 2-row.

Thanks for flagging the discrepancy on the split request, 5lbs of CaraAroma is what I wanted not biscuit :)
I'm up for 20lb of the Crisp Gleneagles MO, rather than the Briess 2-row.

Thanks for flagging the discrepancy on the split request, 5lbs of CaraAroma is what I wanted not biscuit :)

OK, that means you started a new split for Crisp Gleneagles MO, 20# for you.

5# of CA added.
Planting is the fall I feel is better from my experience. If you transplant now the roots will grow over winter even without any green above ground. Come spring the rhizomes will be more established. Homegrown distributors for whatever reason don't distribute in fall but commercial rhizomes companies do. For example great lakes hops, http://www.greatlakeshops.com/
About the Briess 2-row... Since it's such a common base malt, we don't want to split that. You should get a whole sack of that.
you make the rules boss, but i don't see why splitting 2-row is a big deal.

if you're a 5-gallon brewer, 50 pounds of anything can be a lot depending how often you brew.

personally, my base malts are pilsner and MO/GP - and those i'm happy to get half-bags (malt remains fresher). i have a bag of 2-row i bought a year ago that i'm maybe halfway through.
Sorry to be OT but if anyone wants hops id be more than willing to trade or sell some organic potted rhizomes. I have; centennial, cascade, santian, and magnum. I could use some yeast strains, and brew buckets since i ditched using glass (see "dangers of glass carboys"). Trade would be at the next group buy.

Bigbeavk, Claphamsa, and IslandLizard let me know if you want any free rhizomes.

I would be willing to take a Santiam, Cascade and a Centennial. What are you looking for in trade? I have a 6 gallon better bottle that might be up your alley.

If three is too many, I would go Cascade and Centennial.
I can do that trade. I can do two of each if u want. I took about 20 cuttings per plant so I have tons. Also factor in rhizomes sometimes die when transplanted.

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