Several thoughts from today's buy:
1) Thanks to all those who helped. Was BY FAR the most people ever to turn out, donate bags, help splits, etc. Fantastic effort and I applaud you all!!
2) There were 5 screw ups on full bags!! I feel and will be held totally responsible. From now on, all bags will be marked with the user name to prevent the mistakes of today. Period. No bag leaves the premises without me checking it, and you double checking me.
3) People left grain or did not arrive today for pick up. Really this is unacceptable. I don't want your grain and you paid for and deserve it, so you guys NEED to know what you bought and expect to receive it ALL!! If you don't show up, then shame on you.
So, that said, I have some grain and if you want it you can contact me and pick it up when I am available...or at the next buy.
For those who helped, WOW! Thanks for the support this time!! Thanks to those who brought some samples to try, Claphamsa, BigBeavK, J1n, sweetcell, come to mind quickly. All samples were fantastic and are a testament to the brewing prowess of our group members!! You guys f-in rock!!
emyers: gonna miss ya dude!! Hope the arm heals and that Texas is good to ya! Feel free to drop by anytime dude!! You are the reason I am never gonna use a glass carboy again!! ouch!!!! Thanks for the Citra!!
Frits: don't know what to say other than this would not be successful without you and your labels/spreadsheet/hard work. Thanks my friend!!!
Hardcore brewers: Yeah, we are definitely going to do a group brew in Western MD sometime soon! Thinking end of December! I will bring my 10G rig. We will start a separate thread on this soon...
My apologies to those who got screwed over a bit should expect to get what you ordered and I feel bad about the mistakes. It WON'T happen again! Mike Stuppy - I feel especially bad about what happened to you, and I am still happy to hand you a partial sack of C. Pils!
I do this for the camaraderie and to help out my fellow brewers...I really enjoy your company and talking brewing with each of you!! Thanks again to all that helped today!!