I've focused alot of my brewing energies on weizens and tried many yeast over the last 5 yrs - initially using 3068, but my best brews so far come from decoction mashes with a ferulic acid rest at 105 - 107 degF and using WY3638 fermented in the mid 60's. My last dunkel weizen was made with dark wheat and munich dark malts from Best Malz... was probably my best ever. So my wish would be for a dry 3638 yeast if I had a choice. As someone above mentioned, I too highly recommend purchasing Eric Warner's "German Wheat Beers" http://www.brewerspublications.com/books/german-wheat-beer/ book and using a ferulic acid rest for good clove/phenol development - much flavor to be gained there! For hefe's, Hefeweizen IV WLP380 has garnered my attention
Hope this will help someone step outside the box and try something new.
... just my $0.02
... just my $0.02