Crush advice

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2011
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I finally got around to using my corona mill last night. I milled my other grains at my LHBS and decided to try the specialty grains at home. What do you think about this crush?

It's probably quite good for a conventional mash tun but way too coarse if you are BIAB brewing and want high efficiency. It does look like there may be some whole or nearly whole grains and you don't want that as you can't get them wet to the center and if you don't get them wet, you don't extract anything. Next time dampen the grains, leave them set for a few minutes, then mill them. That should toughen the husks so they stay whole while softening the kernels so they mill finer. You might get by with tightening the mill a little more then.
Looks good - good crush and intact hulls. The real verdict came for me when my efficiency went up almost 20%!
Finer then? I cranked it down then loosened up two turns at first. But it looked to fine so I loosened up a bit more. I guess I'll just go back to the way it was. I'm only milling about 4 lbs and the other is about 8 lbs of base so hopefully it will make a good bed
yea, you could go finer with your crush. Try to get just a little flour and you'll see your efficiancy jump. I'm running a .38 gap on my barley crusher and
get 75 to 77% eff. and I know I could tighten the gap even more
I hit 81 percent efficiency yesterday. Hopefully I can do it again. I won't be able to brew for another couple weeks though.