Critique THIS IPA Recipe. . . if you can!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
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I am brewing 10 gallons of IPA this Saturday. I am debating subbing a potion of the Maris Otter for sugar to dry and thin out the beer a bit. I also have never used Honey Malt so i am subbing a portion of the Crystal with it. I do have some Carafa III for color if necessary, but the beer seems within SRM range. I do like a coppery IPA opposed o a yellow one though . . .(neither here nor there, I actually like a good tasting, sharp IPA)

I am also debating reducing some of the Citra additons in the boil and subbing Bravo or Columbus and leaving the Citra strictly for dry hopping.

What are your thoughts?

Here is the recipe:


View attachment IPA.bsmx
Instead of adding sugar, I would just mash lower. I love the flavor of MO, and I would hate to have that diluted in my brew (were this my brew).

I'm also a huge believer in the First Wort Hopping method as well as lots of late hop additions (which you have obviously). Personally, I would FWH instead of doing a 60 minute addition. You'll get a smoother bitterness if you do.

Otherwise, that looks good to me. Let us know how it comes out.
There's not much difference between 2-row and Maris Otter. You could replace all of your 2-row with Maris Otter to maximize the slight additional biscuitiness.

And I'll second PistolsAtDawn - mash lower rather than adding sugar. This isn't a really big, chewy beer that you've loaded up with Crystal malt.

Looks good. Post your results.
Instead of adding sugar, I would just mash lower. I love the flavor of MO, and I would hate to have that diluted in my brew (were this my brew).

I'm also a huge believer in the First Wort Hopping method as well as lots of late hop additions (which you have obviously). Personally, I would FWH instead of doing a 60 minute addition. You'll get a smoother bitterness if you do.

Otherwise, that looks good to me. Let us know how it comes out.

I have FWH only once before, but the results were good. FWIW, my whirlpool is usually running by the last 15 minutes of the boil, so glamour additions will be a sort of a hop steep for about 20-30 minutes. It is supposed to be in thf tripple digits here tomorrow so chilling will be slow.
Looks good - but I second (third, maybe) the suggestion about avoid the use of the sugar. My experience with San Diego Super Yeast produced a drier and more alcoholic beer than I expected (the FG was about .006 lower than expected; it's a beast). I'd also use the FWH - it produces a subtle bitterness that provides a good foundation for the beer, rather than punching you in the face at the first sip.

Good luck!