Critique request - IPA

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This is my second attempt at creating a recipe. My first is currently bubbling away in the fermentation chamber. Please give any recommendations. Thanks!

Yea the 6-row seems strange, don't think Ive seen it in an ipa before. My limited knowledge of it was going into old fashioned pilsners but I may be wrong. The IBU's for the IPA are pretty much spot on but it seems mainly bittering hops and not alot of flavor/aroma hops. I dont like super saiyan over 9000 ibu hopbombs but I do like a nice tasty mellow IPA around 50-60 IBU's. I'd recommend 1-3 ounces in the 15 minute range, mainly what flavor you want the beer to have a bit of, and another 1-3 in the 0-5 minute range for aroma. Same with dry hop if you wanna really lock in that aroma smell.
What temp are you mashing at and what yeast are you using? Also, I agree about upping the aroma additions. Why did you choose the hops that you chose?
I'm not sure about the 6 row either. I got the grain bill from a two hearted clone. It said pale Malt but didn't elaborate. I just guessed on beersmith. I'm open to suggestions. As far as the hops, just going with what I have. I swapped Centennial with Zythos. I have Nelson, Zythos, Amarillo, Centennial, Centennial Type, CTZ, Northern Brewer (raw), and Summit to choose from
I don't really know what the Mash temp should be. Last brew was 152. I will probably use us05 yeast but again, open to suggestions
Pale malt is pretty similar to 2 row, they have different characteristics but are pretty close. They can be subbed out for each other but 6 row is a bit different and unless you know about 6 row I wouldn't use it. I'm not even gonna try to explain about 6 row because Ive only read about it once or twice haha.
Here's the Two Hearted recipe I have, not sure where I got it, tasty though.
10 lbs 2 row
2 lbs vienna
.5 lb Crystal 60
.3 lbs carapils
All centennial hops
1 oz 60
1 oz 15
2 oz 5
2 oz dry hopped
This is for a 5 gallon batch. I checked your hops out and they seem to be decent flavor/aroma hops, I'm not too familiar with em maybe someone with more experience can jump in here. But I would just change the 25 minute one to a 15, increase the 15 and 5 minute hops to about 1-2 ounces, maybe add an ounce or two of one or both of those to dry hop and try it. Also adjust your bittering hop to give you the IBU's you want.
Perfect. Thanks all for the feedback. I'll make some adjustments and repost. I'm not being this until next weekend, so at least I have plenty of time.
I use something very close to Whiskeyjack's recipe. A very good beer.

1.020 FG is pretty high for an IPA. Should finish more like 1.012 or something in the neighborhood. Looking at your recipe, I am not sure why your predicted FG is that high.
Looking at Beersmith, it has me mashing at 156 F. I will be batch sparging with one sparge after mash.
Those are some odd weights. I realize it's probably to force a particular SG/IBU, but I'm all about whole numbers in my brewing :)

What yeast are you using?
I mash that recipe at 150 for 75 minutes or 148 for 75 mins. Most would say 156 is way too high for an IPA. If you look around, you'll probably see recipes as low as 147 - 148. My FG is between 1.010 and 1.012 when at 150. At 148, my FG was 1.007. Beersmith predicts FG of between 1.012 and 1.013 for those mash temps and times.
I mash that recipe at 150 for 75 minutes or 148 for 75 mins. Most would say 156 is way too high for an IPA. If you look around, you'll probably see recipes as low as 147 - 148. My FG is between 1.010 and 1.012 when at 150. At 148, my FG was 1.007. Beersmith predicts FG of between 1.012 and 1.013 for those mash temps and times.

+1 on 150 degree mashing. I usually mash around 150-152 ish