I just brewed this last Sunday with a couple of tweaks. I upped the grain bill a bit in anticipation of low efficiency, but ended up overshooting the OG a bit at 1.074. I don't think I'm calculating correctly, but brewers friend said 94% efficiency, I would appreciate some guidance on this.
The airlock only bubbles about once every 3 minutes, I'm going to give it another week before racking to secondary. Since I pitched two pouches of yeast, 3711 & 3724 im going to wash some for my next batch. The bubbles smell glorious, I can't wait to taste this.
Here's my jacked up version, I hope it comes out tasty.
10 lbs german pils
2 lbs german pale wheat
.25 lbs belgian special B
1 lbs piloncillo
13.25 lbs total
Mash in @ 117f
30 min. rest @ 113f
15 min. rest @ 131f
30 min. rest @ 144f
15 min. rest @ 154f
Mash out @170f
.75 oz opal pellets 5.9% @ 60
.75 oz hersbrucker leaf 2.8% @ 45
.75 oz hersbrucker leaf 2.8% @ 30
1.5oz hersbrucker leaf 2.8% @ 5
Total 3.75 oz / 29.38 IBUs
7.75 gal strike volume
6.75 gal pre-boil
5.5 gal into fermenter
Wyeast 3711 French saison
Wyeast 3724 Belgian saison
Target OG 1.062
Actual OG 1.074
Looking back at the grain bill, I'm expecting either a luxuriantly malty throat-load, or an undrinkably hot, high ABV dumper (who am I kidding, I'll just drink it ice cold!).