Does anyone do dumps at unusual times? I was thinking about some other opportune times for dumps and wondered if any were Harmful, Useful or Useless?
After Boil, Before Pitch Dump
Hypothesis: After the wort has had time to settle and chill a bit, the bottom section can be quite cloudy and filled with particulate and hops - depending on the success of your whirlpooling or spyders/filters. Would dumping at this stage help clear the wort further and remove potential off flavors & excessive bitterness? Harmful, Useful or Useless?
24-36 Hours into Active Fermentation
Hypothesis: After fermentation has kicked off and the yeasties are having a grand ol time moving around the wort, any dead and unviable yeast that has not yet moved its way off the bottom of the conical would only sit there as a risk of eventually causing undesirable flavors - especially if you have an extended rest period at the end of fermentation, be it due to your expected schedule or an unexpected life occurrence where the wort must sit on the yeast cake longer before packaging day. Harmful, Useful or Useless??
Prior to Dry Hopping
Hypothesis: This is a pretty standard period for a dump, after the yeast has done most or all of its job and it's time to add the hops. When harvesting yeast, ideally you should be dumping it at this stage to prevent any hops from mixing in with your yeast. But a few questions arise here as well:
After Boil, Before Pitch Dump
Hypothesis: After the wort has had time to settle and chill a bit, the bottom section can be quite cloudy and filled with particulate and hops - depending on the success of your whirlpooling or spyders/filters. Would dumping at this stage help clear the wort further and remove potential off flavors & excessive bitterness? Harmful, Useful or Useless?
24-36 Hours into Active Fermentation
Hypothesis: After fermentation has kicked off and the yeasties are having a grand ol time moving around the wort, any dead and unviable yeast that has not yet moved its way off the bottom of the conical would only sit there as a risk of eventually causing undesirable flavors - especially if you have an extended rest period at the end of fermentation, be it due to your expected schedule or an unexpected life occurrence where the wort must sit on the yeast cake longer before packaging day. Harmful, Useful or Useless??
Prior to Dry Hopping
Hypothesis: This is a pretty standard period for a dump, after the yeast has done most or all of its job and it's time to add the hops. When harvesting yeast, ideally you should be dumping it at this stage to prevent any hops from mixing in with your yeast. But a few questions arise here as well:
- Do you cold crash first to get the most effective dump and then dry hop at cold temps?
- Do you dump @ current fermentation temps and take whatever is already waiting for you in that middle creamy, white yeasty layer?
- Do you not dump and harvest yeast despite dry hops?
- Do you not dump and not harvest yeast, letting whatever may still be active continue to clean up the wort and help scrub O2 & Diacetyl?