The problem with that Brewmonk fermentor is it is not going to do a great job on some of the key benefits available from a stainless steel conical fermenter.
I looked around and found a pretty well written article on the decision process:
Are Conical Fermenters Worth It?
The author lists following advantages of a conical and discusses unitank vs conical.
Ability to dump trub and harvest yeast (called best reason to own a conical)
Easy to eliminate oxygen
Easier pressure transfers
Fun with accessories - to me getting into Tri Clamp was a bit like a kid discovering Legos
Smoother process and workflow
Ferment under pressure (unitanks)
Carbonate beer in fermentor (unitanks)
With downsides being
More complicated cleaning
Larger/more costly temperature control
My problem with the Brewmonk and similar very low end conicals is
- Trub dumping and yeast harvesting is going to be difficult with that shallow cone so the best reason to have a conical is compromised
- Oxygen elimination and pressure transfers are going to depend on how good of seal you are able to get. Maybe it will be fine. Probably not harder than doing them with a SS Brewtech brew bucket but not as easy as with a sealed tank that will hold a few PSI of pressure.
- you are taking the more already complicated cleaning process and making it much harder with the threaded connections inside the vessel. The quality of the welds is also important to ability to clean. We have no data on this point but none of those reviewers shared any pictures of the welds which is at least a yellow flag circling back to the price point.
I think there are better choices that are in your price range. If you do buy it please come back and let us know how it worked out. Most of us commenting have pulled trigger on more expensive units and so probably have a sense of needing to defend our purchasing decisions. [wikipedia says:
Choice-supportive bias or
post-purchase rationalization is the tendency to retroactively ascribe positive attributes to an option one has selected and/or to demote the forgone options.] If we are dumping on a perfectly good product without even seeing it first hand it would be good for somebody that has one to let future thread readers know.