clarifying some AG brewing...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
East Brunswick, NJ
as some of you guys know, i brewed my first AG this past sat and it was living hell. from clogged MLT to incorrect grainbill, etc.

i have a few questions to clarify for my next AG.

1-i see that the mash temp varries per reciepe, is there a standard temp for sparging and wash temp?(im fly sparging). iirc, i think sparging was 178degrees...?

2- this is more of a 'check my process' then a question.

1-add all the grains to MLT
2-1.5qts/lbs for strike water.
3-reciepe calls for 150 @ 60mins, so i boil around 160 to compesate the grain temps.
3-dough in and break up clumps in MLT
4-let it rest for 60mins
5-stir up MLT and rest for another 15mins
6-boil HLT to 178 for sparging
7-mesh wash? <-not sure bout this process
8-sparge till i get the amount of liquid i need. (5.5gallons+9%(estimate for loss of boil)

does that process seem correct? my primary problem is the temperature. its soo confusing. ive been reading and absorbing for the past 5months before i did my AG. if someone can clarify this, i would greatly appreciate it!!
Thanks in advance.
You shouldn't need step 5 at all. That'll just add time to an already long brew day. I'm not sure what you mean in step 7, that's where your vorlauf should go. Just drain wort slowly and replace it on top of the grainbed until it runs clear.

As for temps, try picking up some brewing software (I use brewsmith, but there are a couple of good ones). With a little bit of calibration for your equipment you can get within a degree or less of your target temperatures.
for me, How to Brew and Denny's page were valuable resources in understanding the AG process:

How to Brew - By John Palmer - Brewing Your First All-Grain Beer


Mash temps and the process are well explained in How to Brew.

Not sure what Mesh Wash is but I suspect you mean "Mash Out" which is explained here:
How to Brew - By John Palmer - Getting the Wort Out (Lautering)

sorry bout the incorrect term. yes, i was refering to mash out haha. it was early this morning and im tired lol.

i did read the john palmer, but i think im gonna re-read it.
You shouldn't need step 5 at all. That'll just add time to an already long brew day. I'm not sure what you mean in step 7, that's where your vorlauf should go. Just drain wort slowly and replace it on top of the grainbed until it runs clear.

As for temps, try picking up some brewing software (I use brewsmith, but there are a couple of good ones). With a little bit of calibration for your equipment you can get within a degree or less of your target temperatures.

ill skip step 5 then. i meant to say was mash out lol.

i do vorlauf till its clears up, but my first AG, it clogged me twice but i think its taken care of now.

i use beersmith but didnt see anything for temps...ill look again right now.
I use an online sparge water calculator at So far it's been spot on.

I also use the hydrometer temp correction on the page while brewing.
