Choosing an extract kit- lessons learned

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2007
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Northern NJ, USA
My friends and I brew a lot of extract kits. We most often buy recipe kits online, as the LHBS leaves a lot to be desired, and assembling kits from recipes found online- though a lot more fun- is often not even an option. I have seen extract kits for $28, and I just watched my buddy pay SIXTY TWO bucks for an extract kit that did have a lot of sugars- (A strong/old ale).
We all want to be thrifty- but I have begun to notice that at times, you really get what you pay for. My favorite online shop has the cheapest prices too. But just as often, your only getting beer that will be 3.9 to 5.1 %. No biggie-really... But at times you will select a style that is generally higher in gravity than what you will get with some of these kits.
I'll have to report back when we taste this $62 strong ale......I'm not too sure that I'm wild about either end of the pay spectrum..................
(This is also why partial mashing rocks........Slightly cheaper, much better tasting- and really not too much more in the way of procedures when brewing. Whats not to like!)
I find you can brew for pretty darn cheap with extracts if you get bulk! I'm talkin close to - if not under $2 per pound. Suddenly that big dark belgian doesn't seem to expensive... figure 25 bucks worth of fermentables, 7 for yeast, 2.50 for hops, and another $3 for some orange peel and some specialty grains. ;) Beats the snot outta $62 and it'll STILL break 10% ABV ;)
sirsloop said:
I find you can brew for pretty darn cheap with extracts if you get bulk! I'm talkin close to - if not under $2 per pound. Suddenly that big dark belgian doesn't seem to expensive... figure 25 bucks worth of fermentables, 7 for yeast, 2.50 for hops, and another $3 for some orange peel and some specialty grains. ;) Beats the snot outta $62 and it'll STILL break 10% ABV ;)
where do you get extract for $2/lb
I do all extract with steep brewing, and after we realized we were tired of shelling out $4 or better for those 1-lb bags of DME we need to hit our OG, we ponied up $250 for 100# of DME (50# XL, 50# L). That gets the DME down to a much more reasonable number...possibly comparable to AG brewing if you're not buying the grain in bulk.

Granted, you have to be brewing a lot to go through that much DME before it gets clumpy or stale, but you want to be brewing a lot *anyway* :)
Sloop- are you buying in bulk from your LHBS or shipping it? Are these large bags of DME? I've never seen more than 3.3lbs of liquid- not that I would with the only LHBS in North Jersey being Corrados'. (UBREW/the gaslight is great- but I dont think that they have extracts)