GRAIN BILL: Please note, the millet and buckwheat were home-malted
3.4 Kg Pale Millet Malt
600 g Crystal Millet Malt
300 g Chocolate Buckwheat Malt
200 g Chocolate Millet Malt
450 g Quick Cooking Oats
16oz Package of D-180 Belgian Candi Syrup
300g Organic Cocoa Powder
25g Northern Brewers
25g Cascade
1 tsp Amylase
1 tablet Irish Moss
1kg Rice Hulls
My grain mill does not crush Millet, so I used a coffee grinder for it all, including the buckwheat. The oats were thrown in whole.
-Initial Mash in of 12 ltrs water @ 45 Degress Celsius (this is all Celsius), dropping temp to 42, and held for 25 minutes. (dropped to 40 deg. by end)
-Added 4.5 ltrs boiling water and held at 55 degrees for 25 mins, and stopped stirring it for last 15 minutes to allow grain to settle to bottom.
-Decanted 4 ltrs off top of mash, placed it in the fridge.
-Added 3.5 ltrs of boiling water, heated mash to 70 degrees and held for 20 minutes.
-brought to a boil for 5 minutes (took a while to get it up to boiling)
-Cooled mash back to 70 degrees- Added 1 ltr of cold water to speed that up
-Added decanted liquid enzymes back in to mash, and added 1tsp of Amylaze.
-Held @ 65 Degrees for 90 minutes.
-Raised temp to 75 degrees and dumped mash into lauter tun (big rectangular cooler with copper piping) and mixed with 1 kg Rice Hulls
-Allowed to settle for 15 mins.
-Sparge Water temp was 73 degrees
-I collected 26 lts wort over about 50 minutes (it was slow but steady)
-Boiled for 30 mins, added 25g NB hops
-Added Irish Moss with 20 mins left in boil
-Added 25g Cascade hops, D-180 Candi Syrup, and 16 oz cocoa powder with 10 minutes left in boil.
-Cooled to 75 Degrees, Pitched Nottingham yeast Dry. Fermented in glass carboy.
OG was 1.060 and brewhouse efficiency was 74% (which didn't seem too bad with the amount of adjuncts)
FG was 1.012 after 2 weeks.
Bottled with 3/4 cup honey.
6.4% ABV in the end (sorry, I thought it was 6.7 when I first started this)
The criticism I have for it after pouring it and tasting it was the lack of head retention. I thought my buckwheat addition would help that, it usually does, but not this time. Also, it feels a bit thin for a porter. I thought about adding Maltodextrin, but wanted to try it without that crutch, thinking the oats would help with that. They did not, actually not sure what they did for me in the end.
So there you have it. It's highly drinkable, but a work in progress.
I racked it to a secondary after a week, and it sat for another week before I bottled it. The chocolatey taste is mild but definitely there, and it has a great colour.
Any suggestions and thoughts are welcome.