Check it out, HBT recipes published by Popular Mechanics

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Oh, I missed one from the Kaiser (aka and one of the original GRABASS members).

Kai's Imperator Doppelbock
Walker, I think they left ou tthe part of the recipe where you collect 10 gallons and then dumb five down the driveway. You may need to contact someone regarding this for true authenticity. :D
the 80/- recipe is different from the one on here.

namely, the peat malt. on there they have 4oz, on here it's 2.5. anyone know what it is?
the 80/- recipe is different from the one on here.

namely, the peat malt. on there they have 4oz, on here it's 2.5. anyone know what it is?

The version here has 3oz (check my recipe pull-down). (edit: I just changed it to 4)

The recipe has changed a little over time. The version Orfy posted was my original from years ago,. I've taken control of the recipe again. :)

Anyway, over time, I bumped up the amount of peat to get the right flavor. 2.5oz, 3oz, 5oz (the one kegged now at my house), and then back to 4oz because 5 was too much.

The guy who wrote the article accepted an "official" version of it from me via email.
I loved the comment referring to EdWort pretty much as Mr. Wort. I mean, that's not Ed's last name, is it?
I am proud to say that I have brewed 7 of those beers! Thanks to all you guys on here that help us all out. Funny thing about this articles timing is that I have BM's Centennial Blonde, Orfys Mild Mannered Ale, and Jamil's Black Scapular Dubbel all on tap right now!

Thanks again, and congratulations guys! :mug:
"We scoured brewing books, listened to beer podcasts, and talked to brewmasters to find ten of the best homebrew recipes out there, representing a range of beer styles."

If the author is a member, I would be interested in a list of the brewmasters he talked to.
Hey guys,

I'm the author of the article and have been an on and off poster here for a couple years and a lurker for probably a year before that. I think this article is a testament to a couple things.

First homebrewing, while a niche hobby is compelling and interesting to a wide variety of people. I've written a few articles for popular mechanics on beer and homebrewing over the past couple years and they've been incredibly well received - consistantly ranking amongst their most popular topic in terms of visitors and page views.

Second it's a testament to both the ingenuity and creativity of the homebrew community. I've been brewing for a few years now and have made about half the recipes that appear on this list - the rest made it on the strength of their online and offline followings. Recipe threads don't reach several hundred pages long with scores of avid homebrewers singing their praises without being really good.

Third, and perhaps most meaningfully it's a testament to the spirit of collaboration and cooperation in the homebrew and craft beer community. I asked for permission to use 10 recipes from professional and craft brewers and got permission from all 10 without any cajoling at all. Every brewer that participated was happy to share their knowledge with others, help people make better beers and get their name out there. I have no doubt that if I had asked another 5 or 10 people here for recipes that they would have all been happy to participate as well. I can't thank you guys enough for your participation.

You guys have all made me a better brewer and I'm stoked to help give you a megaphone to get your creativity out to a wider audience and hopefully get a lot more people out there to start brewing. Prost.
I loved that Mr. Wort part. :D

Glad you guys got a laugh out of it. That was an insert by my editor - I had initially used your entire name there and then when he changed it to Mr. Wort I almost pushed back. In the end I thought it was too funny to change.
I know I'm late to the game responding, but I just stumbled across this article on the Popular Mechanics website and was REALLY impressed to see you guys featured along with other well-know brewing artists. Very cool. I've copied all of the recipes and will be choosing from that list for my next brew.

This forum is awesome.