American Pale Ale Cascades / Orange Pale Ale

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3rd batch disappeared quickly. 4th batch fermenting now. 5g partial mash since I can only do 3g all grain, and that's just not enough!
Not really related to this beer, but I'm looking for a simple recipe to pitch on top of the s-04 yeast cake once I bottle the Cascade/Orange.

Summer is coming up, could use something light and refreshing.

Any suggestions?
So I have made this recipe and it turned out awesome. Now I want to repeat the recipe again, and my question has to do with the orange zest.

I went to the local HBS and bought a couple ounces, but I noticed that it came with pith on the other side. If I wanted to make my own zest how much would it take. Should I still use 2 ounces or maybe use less or more.

Any zest you get commercially will be fine, there's not enough white stuff to be concerned with. I use 2 oz at 15 minutes and gives plenty of zing. As far as how much, I think 3/4 oz per orange would be about right. Think of the moisture in a fresh orange though, it'll weigh more.
I've also tried (3rd batch) 1 oz Whole leaf cascade at 90 and 1 oz Amarillo hops at 15 to see what happens. First 7 days at 75degrees and then 7 days in my tornado shelter which hangs around 63 degrees to clean up the odd stuff.
Thinking of splitting this batch and adding Grapefruit peel to one of the secondaries. This recipe, to me tastes just like Ballast Point Sculpin.
Kid you not. Enjoy!
Finally brewed this on Saturday. Pitched the yeast and then saw I totally forgot to add the orange and coriander. Was late so the next day I boiled them in a hop bag for 10 mins on the stove in about 250ml water. The S04 was already going crazy bur letting the juice cool for about an hour and pouring it on top of the krausen didn't seem to slow anything down. :rockin:

I go on holidays in two weeks for a few weeks. So I'll just let this ferment for 4 weeks and then do a 1 week dry hop with 1oz each of cascade and citra. Hopefully 5 weeks in primary wont do it any harm :drunk:
I brewed this on Saturday -- in honor of national homebrew day. :) It's my second all-grain batch and everything went extremely smoothly. I did a variation of hop additions but everything else the same. Centennial at FWH, Cascade 10 min, Amarillo and Citra at flameout. Then I'll be dry hopping with Amarillo/Citra. Yeast are going nuts and my ferm chamber smells like straight citrus. :rockin:
Finally brewed this on Saturday. Pitched the yeast and then saw I totally forgot to add the orange and coriander. Was late so the next day I boiled them in a hop bag for 10 mins on the stove in about 250ml water. The S04 was already going crazy bur letting the juice cool for about an hour and pouring it on top of the krausen didn't seem to slow anything down. :rockin:

I go on holidays in two weeks for a few weeks. So I'll just let this ferment for 4 weeks and then do a 1 week dry hop with 1oz each of cascade and citra. Hopefully 5 weeks in primary wont do it any harm :drunk:

So back from holidays now.
The beer is in the fermenter for 4 weeks and I will add the dry hops tonight.
I followed the original recipe except for adding the Orange and Coriander later and subbing in about 40% of the Cascades with Citra. I hit the OG numbers perfectly but it's finishing at 1.009 instead of 1.013. Hopefully it won't turn out too dry but should still be great for a summer beer.
Will report back in about 2 weeks.
I've been drooling over this recipe for a while now and today is the day. ingredients are all layed out, Beer Smith is cued up and all my conversions for a 3 gallon batch are complete. it was nice to fine tune my ingredients. my cascades are whole cone and 7.7 AA and 8 AA for FWH. can't wait to see how this turns out!
Thanks Blacklab! this is only my second whole grain recipe, the noob is on a new adventure ... :D
Enjoy!! This is a great recipe and funny enough was my second all grain batch week's kettle sour will be my 100 gal mark :) greatest hobby eeevvveeerrr!!
Update: I added 8oz of orange honey thinking I'd bump the abv ... Blew the blow off straight off the top of the fermenter! (A small hop cone plugged the tube too, thought I was thorough straining the hops ... )
this is fermenting in my basement (temps are perfect, mid 60f) with an unfinished dirt floor, the towel I had wrapped around the fermenter saved most of the mess and my blow off jug has 1/2 gallon of added "beer". Sooo the question is: should I worry about contamination? I don't know if something wild and unwelcome has visited my brew.

Orange Cascade 2days old.jpg
I think Im gonna brew this next. The navels are prime time in my back yard!
Got my bill together today and looking at a brew day in 4 days. Only changes made was to increase the grains by 10% to get 6gal fermenting. Going to do a 2liter starter with wlp002. Oranges will be straight from the tree, zested and into the boil. Not quite sure how much zest weight Im going to add. Somewhere around 3 to 4 oz. This should be tasty! Hopefully ready by superbowl.
Got 6.25 gal in fermenter at 1.060
Looks great. I will report back when its done.
I added 3.5oz of fresh navel zest.
Day 7 of primary, still chugging along at 68° and its a beautiful golden bronze color. Cant wait for this one to finish.
Bought the ingredients for this which will be delivered on will be my first AG experience and I can't wait! Just a couple of quick questions:

1. Is this dry hopped with pellets or whole/leaf?
2. I have some Wyeast 1056...will this be ok to use or should I get the yeast suggested in the original recipe?

Bought the ingredients for this which will be delivered on will be my first AG experience and I can't wait! Just a couple of quick questions:

1. Is this dry hopped with pellets or whole/leaf?
2. I have some Wyeast 1056...will this be ok to use or should I get the yeast suggested in the original recipe?

Dry hopped with pellets.
It should be fine with 1056. I used wlp002 to keep the english theme going with the maris otter.
Took a hydro sample this afternoon and its gone from 1.060 down to 1.012 and just about finished. The cascades flavor and aroma are up front with the orange right behind. Im giving it another couple days at 70° and then into bottles.
Just did a 16litre/4gal batch and I went something like this:

2900 g Canadian - ESB Malt 76.3%
420 g Munich - Light 10L 11.1%
240 g Honey Malt 6.3%
140 g Carapils 3.7%
100 g Flaked Oats 33 2.9%


10 g Summit 60 min 24.34
17 g Cascade 10 min 3.85
17 g Cascade Whirlpool at flame-out

16g Coriander Whirlpool at flame-out
2 large oranges and two Mandarin oranges zested and soaked in rum added whirlpool at flame-out

18 g Amarillo Dry Hop 7 days
28 g Cascade Dry Hop 7 days

Pitched slurry of S-05

Super excited to taste this. Brewing, dry hopping and bottling this all in one pot like Matt Smith's blog.

I went with Munich instead of Vienna mostly because of Biermuncher's Fire Rock Kona Pale Ale clone recipe. That is currently my favorite APA recipe but I have high hopes for this.
I liked this brew so doing it again tomorrow with a twist.
12lbs maris
1.5lbs vienna
1.5lbs crystal 10

1oz chinook 60min
1oz citra 20min
1oz centennial 20min
1oz citra10min
1oz centennial 10 min
4.5oz fresh naval orange zest 5min
2 or 3 cups fresh squeezed oj 1min
2oz citra dry hop 5 days

Looking for 6 or so gallons with a OG of 1.060ish
I'm curious how the fresh squeezed OJ will turn out, keep us posted. I have been wanting to use juice in some of my recipes but some of the stuff I've read says that ferments funny and leaves odd flavours. Could be homebrew wives tales though.

I'm curious how the fresh squeezed OJ will turn out, keep us posted. I have been wanting to use juice in some of my recipes but some of the stuff I've read says that ferments funny and leaves odd flavours. Could be homebrew wives tales though.

Well its fermenting now. Only changes to above was 4oz of zest and 2 cups of fresh squeezed screened juice at 5min. 90 min boil with an OG of 1.067 at 7.5 gallons. Pitched a big slurry of wlp002. Chugging along right now. Will see how it tastes in a couple weeks.
just done with my brew, the aroma is freaking asome! the entire house smells great! I'm a lil bit concerned of the whole oz of coriander seeds, but we'll see how it turns out. next 3 weeks will be hard :)
just done with my brew, the aroma is freaking asome! the entire house smells great! I'm a lil bit concerned of the whole oz of coriander seeds, but we'll see how it turns out. next 3 weeks will be hard :)
I hear you on that, I brewed this up this morning and am looking forward to drinking this one. It was part part not wanting too much coriander and part laziness, but I just put the seeds in whole instead of crushing them. 3 week to ferment/age, the question is, will the keg last the 3 weeks after that? :rockin:
A damn good recipe.

I made a batch about a month ago. The final bottle was today forever gone :tank:

Here it is:

Hi all!

New to the whole home brewing habit. I have a couple of partial mash recipes under my belt and thinking this might be my next. Just wondering if anyone has made this recipe with extract(s) and if so, how were the results and process? Thanks!
Hi all!

New to the whole home brewing habit. I have a couple of partial mash recipes under my belt and thinking this might be my next. Just wondering if anyone has made this recipe with extract(s) and if so, how were the results and process? Thanks!

Just finished my second batch with extract. Unreal. Great brew.
Hi, this is the second beer I've ever brewed, I made it last June, forgot to post here.
Even with our different variety of Cascade hops (Argentinian) it was amazing, I had a little issue with my hoses that gave it a slight plastic taste but it was great nevertheless.

I am brewing this recipe this weekend with the following modifications:
-Crystal 40 instead of 10
-1 pound of Carapils (8% of grain bill) for body and head retention
-Replacing half of the Cascade by Citra, using half and half for each additions
-1oz of dried Bitter Peel and 1oz of Fresh Sweet zest
Lets see how it turns out!

Also, I have a US-05 yeast cake that's been in my fermenter for the past week, do you recommend I use this strain or stick with S-04?
YEs, I used SO5 and found it much better than 04. S04 leaves residual sugars behind and the ale is sweeter than with S05 which is more American tasting - crisp and fresh, not somewhat sweet.
I am brewing this recipe this weekend with the following modifications:
-Crystal 40 instead of 10
-1 pound of Carapils (8% of grain bill) for body and head retention
-Replacing half of the Cascade by Citra, using half and half for each additions
-1oz of dried Bitter Peel and 1oz of Fresh Sweet zest
Lets see how it turns out!

So we brewed this and it smelled amazing in my garage. All these citrusy ingredients (Cascade, Citra, Fresh zest, Dried Bitter Peel and Coriander) is gonna make a very sweet and citrusy beer. Can't wait for it to be ready to drink.

Oh and I noticed the recipe calls for 1oz of Crushed Coriander. Oops, I used 2oz of freshly grinded Coriander Seeds... let's see how it affect the taste!
So in the process of making this, but just realized that this recipe says its 33IBU? Both BrewersFriend and Beersmith put it at like 18-20 IBU's?

Should I am to bump it up to 33IBU or just follow the recipe as described?

I have 5.4% AA Cascade pellets i figured i would just pretend they are 5.5 since its so close. But again it gets me no where near 33IBU listed.
I personally bumped it to 45 IBU (half Citra, Half Cascade). I will bottle in a week, I could let you know how it tastes.
You really should use a zester to just take the orange part of the rind.

Though personally I just use powered peel from the LBS nowadays.

I did. I zested 3 oranges + added a couple of whole clementine peels :)
Hello all,
1st- thank you for the recipe. Sounds great.
2nd- has anyone tried adjusting the recipe to make a session style beer, maybe 3.5 or 4% abv? I think the orange zest and coriander would make a great lawnmower beer. If anyone has, please share details, like mash temp etc.
Ps- I'm currently making a batch of Yooper's fizzy yellow beer and it's taking a lot of self control not to throw some orange peel and coriander in the primary.