Can you use the Fermentasaurus pressure lid kit parts on the Fermzilla

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Jul 29, 2012
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Hi there,

I know the actual lids are different but does anyone know first hand whether or not you can remove and use the ball lock posts and float from the Fermentasaurus pressure kit lid and use them on the Fermzilla lid.

Here in Canada having a hell of a time finding the Fermzilla lid or stainless parts separately for a reasonable cost with shipping but the Fermentasaurus pressure kit lid is cheap and available.

I've also looked at Ali express and the shipping is often double the cost.

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I only have the Fermentasaurus, but the ball lock posts have a good bit of threading and I'm assuming are standard size, so yes I'm guessing it is exactly the same metal parts you would find in the fermzilla kit. If the plastic lid itself is a different diameter though, you are gonna have problems.

Probably you'll want to find someone that has both, or contact the manufacturer.
Thanks for the insight,

I've looked at several videos of both units now and from what I can surmise the Fermentasaurus seems to use ball lock posts like a corny keg while the Fermzilla lid has built in PCO 1881 threads that accept plastic or SS carbonation caps.

Caved in and ordered from Ali Express.