Camlock Cotter Pins?

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Do you use camlock safety cotter pins?

  • Yes, I use the cotter pins all the time

  • No, I don't use the pins and I've removed them.

  • No, I don't use the pins but they are still on the rings.

  • I haven't used them but I DID have an accidental disconnect.

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I'm too lazy to remove them and never had a problem with the 1/2" brewing ones coming undone.
I could see water hammer from a fast closing valve with some hardpipe popping them off in other applications, but silicone hose gives and a march pump just doesn't put out the pressure.
the big 2" aluminum ones on trash hoses seem to pop off a lot without securing them.
I took em off first thing. Kept sticking myself with the damn things and they kept getting in the way. What exactly are they for? Are you suppose to use them to stop the wings from coming open or something?
Took them off! I'm even considering taking off the rings. I've noticed that they flip back and get caught preventing me from locking the type B if I'm not careful to move it out of the way
I voted for I use them all the time. I removed them from the camlocks, but use the nice 316 stainless pins on garden and outdoor equipment. If it takes a dollar off the price I would go for it, but if it's only pennies, I would rather them come with them and use them for other purposes.
I didn't buy my camlocks from you Bobby, and they didn't come with pins. But if they did I would have removed them.
I can't imagine a situation where the levers would work themselves loose in my brewery. I use camlocks for EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING including hose water in. The only issue is that with the high water pressure, they don't quite seal 100%. I have hundreds of cotter pins stashed away in case one day I find a use for them.
The backstory:

The pins have always been a major pain. They pierce through the little baggies the fittings come in. They poke through shipping materials and can also damage silicone tubing if they are not really carefully separated. I never used them in my brewery and in the last few years, I never saw a brew rig in person that had the pins on the camlocks. We asked the manufacturer to stop including them because I looked at it as a waste. For one thing, when you ship from China, every ounce counts.

We finally got a question from a customer asking where the locking pins were along with concerns about accidental disconnect probability. I was a little surprised with the inquiry and though I'd ask if anyone else was concerned about it.
Had that customer used camlocks before, I would imagine that it would need to be a big accident to get one to unclip on its own. Having them in would be such a hassle when moving hoses, etc.
Maybe have a stash of pins for any customer that asks for them, surely it wouldn't cost much to send them out in a normal postage envolope.
I used to work for a water utility and we never even used the pins on our 2 or 4 inch pumps... I take them off.
Had that customer used camlocks before, I would imagine that it would need to be a big accident to get one to unclip on its own. Having them in would be such a hassle when moving hoses, etc.
Maybe have a stash of pins for any customer that asks for them, surely it wouldn't cost much to send them out in a normal postage envolope.

I agree. I could see maybe snagging one arm by mistake but you really have to operate both cam arms for a disconnect.
I took both them and the rings off. I sliced my hands and fingers more than once and finally got sick if it. Those rings are the worst - especially when a hose is being a little tough to clamp down.
I just bought a lot of shiny camlocks, and not one had a cotter pin on them. Win?! The last thing I need is some other part to lose or poke me.
Bobby may have posted because of me :eek: I just bought camlocks from him and asked about pins because one Type B came with pins and others didn't. I also had never used a pump and/or camlocks before and wasn't sure if I would actually use or need them. Like someone else mentioned, I would likely only use pins on the one that will stay in position for the whole brew day to lessen the chance of an accidental disconnect by me or the boss lady (or folks with children?). Or MacGyver them for other brewery uses where SS is nice.

I have removed the pins, but leave a ring on one end of each hose. The ring also holds a dog tag (literally) that I have stamped with where the hose goes. Like "Pump Out to RIMS In". I ended up with 7 different hose lengths, so I needed to identify them somehow.
Hah! Missed this thread on its original go 'round but for the record I bought almost all of my camlock fittings from @Bobby_M and have a baggie of removed cotters if anyone ever needs one ;)

I understand why they exist, and even why they therefore were included, but it's not a usage model that fits mine...

Well, since this thread has been resurrected... I voted "no, I don't use them but they are still on the rings". I am a newb to camlocks so I didn't want to take them off in case they served an important purpose. Sounds like I am good to go with removing them, they annoy me anyway. FWIW, I got all my camlocks from Bobby, he is still selling them with the pins. :)
I have removed the pins, but leave a ring on one end of each hose. The ring also holds a dog tag (literally) that I have stamped with where the hose goes. Like "Pump Out to RIMS In". I ended up with 7 different hose lengths, so I needed to identify them somehow.
I love this idea! I always forget where my hoses of different lengths go best!
For me it depends on where they are. For my chiller, pump, and cold water tank I have the rings and cotter pins in place because it's practically a permanent setup. I only used camlocks because I do have to disassemble it occasionally for cleaning. For my hot side hoses I took rings and pins off because I move them around during brew day.
I didn't answer the poll, but on a related note I'd like all ball valves to get rid of the little sliding piece that I have to lift to turn the valve.
Great they designed a valve I can padlock in place...I never intend to! And it's an extra step I have to do every time I turn the valve :mad: