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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009
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Hi all,

I was just curious what other sanyo 49xx owners did with their co tanks when they had two cornies. I can follow the guides I have seen here to fit in a tank and two cornies. So what are you all doing? Are you using dual regulators? A splitter? I can't imagine a splitter type deal. I would need to force carb and pour. So it seems like it's dual regulators or another tank outside the fridge.What say you all? :)


Me personally... I have a big ass 25lb tank, and a big ass Micromatic dual regulator, so it sits outside the fridge.
Me personally... I have a big ass 25lb tank, and a big ass Micromatic dual regulator, so it sits outside the fridge., 25lbs! i guess you would have to keep it outside!
I have a 10 pounder that I keep out the fridge. I only have a single regulator so I ran a hose out of the regulator and into the fridge through the drain hole. In the fridge I have a tee and two check valves for the kegs.
10 pounder inside the fridge with dual regulators. It is a tight squeeze...

In a Sanyo 4912?! With two kegs? I have a 5# tank with dual pressure regulator & two kegs and that's a tight squeeze as far as I'm concerned. Maybe a 10# tank isn't as big as I'm thinking? Is it just bigger around than a 5# or is it taller too?
Wow.. Some very different ideas. I was leaning more towards to tank
inside with dual regs. Does anyone have a pic of that setup? Or their own?
I've never heard of anyone using two tanks inside the fridge. Dual reg yes, two tanks no.

I have the dual reg with a single 5# tank. Can't imagine a 10# tank inside. I can't even picture that. There's no way a 10 # er would fit inside my fridge. (with two cornies that is)
5 lb tank inside, dual regulator, 2 kegs, door assembly is intact, minus the bottom shelf.

I cannot fathom how anyone could fit a 10 lb tank in there with a dual reg. Would love to see a pic of that.
They make two sizes of 10 lb tanks. One is short and fat the other is tall and narrow. If I took the door off and made a shelf I could probably fit my 10lb in the fridge. I just don't feel like dealing with that hassle.
They make two sizes of 10 lb tanks. One is short and fat the other is tall and narrow. If I took the door off and made a shelf I could probably fit my 10lb in the fridge. I just don't feel like dealing with that hassle. i am going to go with the tank inside and a dual regulator. I have actually taken my shelves off the door and put on the marker board like buford i have plenty of space. thanks for all of your replies! :mug:

If i decided on a 10lb....maybe i would be able to fit it!