Welcome to HomeBrewTalk. BIAB is a great way to go for all grain brewing. I started with an extract kit, did a few "roll your own" extract batches, then decided to dip my toe into all grain via BIAB. I thought BIAB would just be a stepping stone to 3 vessel brewing, but 10 years later I still BIAB and have no desire to change.
I would caution you on trying hazy IPAs before you have experience with your processes, and have learned about cold side oxygen avoidance. Hazy IPAs are the style most sensitive to degradation by oxygen, and it only takes days for the brew to go from fantastic to meh, if you don't have adequate O2 avoidance. Because of this, hazy IPAs are one of the most difficult styles to do well, and you risk serious disappointment with homebrewing if you try this style before you are ready.
Reading threads on HBT about hazys is a good way to understand what it takes to brew and package this style successfully.
Brew on