Bulk Yeast

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Redhouse Brewing

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2020
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I received a free sample of A01 yeast (bulk package). I know how to calculate pitch rate but how do I dose this (ie how do I sterilize the container that use to weigh it)?
A clean plastic (measuring) cup/container wiped out with alcohol?

If using metal cups for weighing, you could heat them in the oven to 250F. Let cool and use right away, or package in (sterile) plastic bags for later use.

It doesn't have to be sterile per se. Clean, then well-sanitized should suffice.
It's very important to keep your bulk yeast dry after opening the package, so seal it well. Storing it in the freezer between uses is probably best. Double bag it, squeeze all air out.
A01 is liquid yeast, right? Much different than handling dry yeast. I don’t know the answer to your question, but it seems most of the above answers don’t apply. Maybe the mason jar in the fridge.
A01 is liquid yeast, right? Much different than handling dry yeast.
Doh, you're right!
A01 is a liquid yeast strain made by Imperial Yeast. I equated bulk package with dry yeast, should have checked...

And yeah, it needs very different handling than dry yeast, and definitely don't freeze it !

I received a free sample of A01 yeast (bulk package).
How "big" is that "bulk" package?

If it's a regular "homebrew size" it will contain 200 billion cells at packaging.
Depending on your batch size, gravity, and the yeast's age (and how it was stored), you may need to make a starter to pitch the correct amount of vital cells.