buckwheat honey?

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Dec 19, 2011
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Has anyone here used buckwheat honey? If you have can you give me some details on it? I haven't seen any recipes that call for it. I'm going to be making my first batch later this week with clove honey but I can get buckwheat honey cheaper because of a neighbor that farms it.
I have a batch in secondary that's 8 lbs wildflower and 4 lbs buckwheat, smells and tastes great so far. I like the flavor of the buckwheat honey though, and plan on starting a batch of buckwheat-only when I have a free carboy.
Seems its generally used as a honey "flavouring hint"......

Of buckwheat available in the US, apparently, if its eastern buckwheat (most is, so it seems) then its supposed to have more "barn yard" notes about it - whether thats grassy or something, or sulphurous cow **** I don't know, whereas western buckwheat is supposed to have less of that.

I have some Polish buckwheat here and that is quite light with an almost malty sort of taste, though some Polish as well as Russian and Bulgarian buckwheat has been to look very dark, almost like molasses looking.......

Its not supposed to be good on its own as its normally so strong tasting, but the lighter stuff is supposed to be good for blends......

Just my tuppence worth........
A source for Buckwheat Honey I found


The buckwheat honey I've tasted was VERY dark, almost black & looked for all the world like a thin molasses. It had an interesting flavour, a bit molasses-like, but the sweetness was mixed with a sort of flavour that reminded me of they way ripe hay smells; not what I'd call "grassy," but others might. To me "grassy" tastes like lawn clippings.

Others have called it a "barnyard" flavour, but I'm still not sure exactly what they mean by that. Think honey & molasses with toasted oats & ripe hay all rolled into one amalgamation of flavour & you've got buckwheat honey.

If you want to make mead with buckwheat honey, I'd mix it roughly 50/50 with a nondescript honey like clover or alfalfa. Less intense flavour, but all the honey goodness you want/need for your end product. Use yeast nutrient/energizer & DAP, you should have a tasty mead in a couple years.
Regards, GF.
I’m making my first (5 gallon) batch of buckwheat honey mead. I added cinnamon sticks which I do to all my mead and cyser)and about 30 large raisins for primary. I’m going to try and cut this with a wildflower mead, that I started at the same time, just to see how it tastes.
From everything I’ve read, make sure to stick with western buckwheat. Eastern buckwheat tends to have a barnyard/horse blanket flavor after fermented. No experience, just what I’ve read.