Bubble gum beer

Homebrew Talk

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New Member
Jan 18, 2025
Reaction score
New Jersey
Hello all! I’m new to the forum and this is my first post.
I’m looking to brew a batch of probably blonde ale, although other ideas are welcome, with intentionally high bubble gum or cotton candy flavors. I’d rather achieve it with the yeast and hop combinations than to add artificial flavors. I work for a toy company and hope to have it ready for a Memorial Day company luncheon.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Try Wyeast 3068 in their high temperature range and some sweet hops at flameout.

I used pacifica with weizen grist and result was the bubble gum beer.

Post in PL, but you can use g.translator.
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Welcome from Missouri!

Use the search function and you should find the info you're looking for.

Good luck with the brew and let us know the results.