American IPA Brut IPA

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
Recipe Type
All Grain
White Labs #WLP001
Yeast Starter
1.2 liters, decanted
Batch Size (Gallons)
5.4 gal
Original Gravity
Final Gravity
Boiling Time (Minutes)
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp)
7 days @ 65-67F
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp)
5 days @ 67F
Tasting Notes
Very good flavor and aroma, crisp finish, small bubbles. Super refreshing and 30 IBU gives the right amount of bitterness for this completely dry beer.
9 lb Pilsner
1 lb White Wheat
1 oz Galaxy (20 min)
1 oz Citra (0 min)
1 oz El Dorado (0 min)
1/2 tab Whirlfloc, 1/2 tsp yeast nutrient (5 min)
1 oz Citra (dry hops)
1 oz Nelson Sauvin (dry hops)
Bubbled O2 through diffusion stone for 40 seconds before pitching decanted StirStarter liquid yeast
Add to fermenter: 10 g FermFast Glucoamylase enzyme (stir in with sanitized spoon)

OG 1.052, FG 1.000, 6.8% ABV, 30 IBU, 3.5 SRM

1. SG reduced to 1.000 after 4 days.
2. Optional: Increase Citra to 2 oz in dry hops.
3. Added 4.2 oz corn sugar by weight (over 3/4 cup) to 16 oz water to get approx 3.0-3.2 vol of CO2 at 38F serving temperature. This is higher carbonation than a typical IPA.
4. Mash at 148-150F for 60 minutes.
5. Used Bru'n Water to adjust mineral content and get mash pH = 5.4


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Is it just me or is there a ton of oxidation in that beer? With the malt bill posted the SRM should be WAY lighter and more of a yellow collow than the orange/brown color shown. Just asking.
No way that is 3.5 SRM.
I used same grain bill except I added flaked rice.
Probably should be closer to this.
If it tastes good then doesn't matter what color it is.


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I don’t taste any oxidation. A little of the darker than expected color is probably from my camera. I poured some bottles this weekend at a family gathering and it was a bit more like the color shown in @brew703 photo. Everyone who has tried this beer likes it a lot. Give the recipe a try. Next time I make it I’m going to add another ounce of citra to the dry hop.
Here’s another photo taken outside. It’s lighter than my first picture but darker than brew703’s. Probably not worth further discussion on the color. But I would like opinions on flavor from others who try this recipe.
Color is a mute point as long as it taste good.
I'll be brewing another Brut sometime in December. Will be aiming for more of a session style and switching up the hops from my previous version.
Here is another Brut IPA recipe that I think came out better than the one above:

9 lb Pilsner
1 lb White Wheat
1 oz Centennial (20 min)
1 oz Citra (0 min)
1 oz Galaxy (0 min)
1 pkg WLP #001 yeast
Dry hop for 5 days:
2 oz Centennial
2 oz Citra

Mash at 148 degF, 1.5 qt/lb
Collect 7 gallons wort

Used Bru’n Water for mineral addition to combination of tap and RO water.

Add one 10g packet of FermFast Glucoamylase enzyme to fermenter and stir with sanitize spoon on day 3 or 4 (you can probably get the same results by adding this at start of primary fermentation)

6.4% ABV (FG = 1.000), IBU = 21, SRM = 3.5

Bottle carbonation: 4.2 oz corn sugar by weight boiled in 16 oz of water.
OK, 3rd time was definitely the charm. The below recipe is the best of the 3 by far. I think the key changes were (1) flaked rice instead of white wheat, (2) mash at 145F instead of 148F, and (3) dry hop with Citra and Nelson Sauvin. I made this for a large party and it went very quickly.

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 5.40 gal
Boil Size: 6.94 gal
Boil Time: 60 min
Mash at 145F for 60 min, 1.5 qt/lb (used Bru'n Water to adjust mineral content and get mash pH = 5.4)
Mash extraction efficiency: 81%
Total efficiency: 79%
Original gravity: 1.059
Final gravity: 0.998
ABV: 7.7%

10 lbs Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM)
1 lbs Rice, Flaked (1.0 SRM)
1.00 oz Galaxy [17.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min 27.7 IBUs
0.5 tsp yeast nutrient, 0.5 tablet Whirlfloc 5.0 min
1.00 oz Citra [13.20 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 0.0 min
1.00 oz El Dorado [15.10 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 0.0 min
2.0 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05)
10g pkg FermFast Glucoamylase (add after 2-3 days of primary fermentation)
3.00 oz Citra [13.20 %] - Dry Hop 5 Days
1.00 oz Nelson Sauvin [11.70 %] - Dry Hop 5 Days

Carbonate on the high side of IPAs (approx 3.0-3.2 vol of CO2 at 38F serving temperature).
