BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

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I am not ungrateful, but..
Apart from the outdated and unattractive UI with unusable themes (in my opinion),
it's more about what you can't do than what's possible.
I need to remember what I found, but for sure some controls are inconsistent and need rework. I’ve reported everything directly to Brundog if I am not mistaken.
Nothing I found is "show stopper".

These are some examples:
  • When setting the timer, the keyboard doesn't appear, and you have to scroll, which is difficult with a touchscreen.
  • You can't set the background or color of buttons.
  • You can't align objects on workspace, and it’s frustrating to manually set the same size and alignment for multiple objects.
  • Duplicating objects isn’t possible. I required it so many times...
  • Sizes of some objects (when there are many) are lost after a restart, and restarting the app resets them to the original values.
  • etc.
There are inconsistencies in the interpreter too. I get errors, but the line numbers are wrong, which always set me back. How about PID (auto) tuning wizard?
But honestly, why discuss it if there’s no development? It just feels like a waste of time.

With respect, I am unsubscribing from the thread 'missing features or bugs'.
I am not ungrateful, but..
Apart from the outdated and unattractive UI with unusable themes (in my opinion),
it's more about what you can't do than what's possible.
I need to remember what I found, but for sure some controls are inconsistent and need rework. I’ve reported everything directly to Brundog if I am not mistaken.
Nothing I found is "show stopper".

These are some examples:
  • When setting the timer, the keyboard doesn't appear, and you have to scroll, which is difficult with a touchscreen.
  • You can't set the background or color of buttons.
  • You can't align objects on workspace, and it’s frustrating to manually set the same size and alignment for multiple objects.
  • Duplicating objects isn’t possible. I required it so many times...
  • Sizes of some objects (when there are many) are lost after a restart, and restarting the app resets them to the original values.
  • etc.
There are inconsistencies in the interpreter too. I get errors, but the line numbers are wrong, which always set me back. How about PID (auto) tuning wizard?
But honestly, why discuss it if there’s no development? It just feels like a waste of time.

With respect, I am unsubscribing from the thread 'missing features or bugs'.
All of that is true;

I do not use buttons becuse of the way they behave, so I use switches instead. You can set just a border (not really the border but it looks like one) around a button with color but sotra lame.

I would love an alignment tool, I use the x y (height, witdh) fields to do that and it is a pain.

I would love to duplicate ojects.

Sizes do change. It is very frustrating. I found that if you increase the size of the Script window, this is a constant issue. I do have one element that takes up the whole screen that is always resized.

I will add to the "wishlist"

Switch the intrerface type easily. I would just as soon have ALL Wiring Diagrams the same rather than gaining one GPIO for WiFi. You should be able to switch between Serial and Ethernet quite easily.

Have a "lock" at the Element Level.

Script Attributes for Background and Foreground of Text.

Script Attributes to move and resize and Element.

In scripting: Internal easy conversion from Value to Time and Time to Value.

I still have Hope.
Hi Team,

I'm looking at adding 2 flow sensors to my set up, mainly just to keep a loose eye on the flow when sparging lautering. I've got 2 Sea YF-201, cheap jobbies that look exactly the same as the little black Adafruit ones (828).
Could someone please guide me on how to get them working. ATM I've hooked them up to 12V and have the signal going to my MEGA 2560 interface pin/port 2.

I know I need to use a counter, but a bit unsure after that. Any guidance would greatly be appreciated.
Hi Team,

I'm looking at adding 2 flow sensors to my set up, mainly just to keep a loose eye on the flow when sparging lautering. I've got 2 Sea YF-201, cheap jobbies that look exactly the same as the little black Adafruit ones (828).
Could someone please guide me on how to get them working. ATM I've hooked them up to 12V and have the signal going to my MEGA 2560 interface pin/port 2.

I know I need to use a counter, but a bit unsure after that. Any guidance would greatly be appreciated.
I came across this post from BrunDog over on the brucontrol forums. Maybe it can help you:
My mobile app I created to let me interact with BruControl from anywhere made it into Zymurgy! Even cooler, another member from my club was also featured for a simple-yet-effective means to close-add biofine to a keg. We joked that we made it for the most- and least-techie brew gadgets.

I wish I could make a more generalized app to work with BruControl, but with Globals being the only interaction points (+script) and everyone's setups being different, that is near impossible...
My mobile app I created to let me interact with BruControl from anywhere made it into Zymurgy! Even cooler, another member from my club was also featured for a simple-yet-effective means to close-add biofine to a keg. We joked that we made it for the most- and least-techie brew gadgets.

I wish I could make a more generalized app to work with BruControl, but with Globals being the only interaction points (+script) and everyone's setups being different, that is near impossible...
View attachment 866960
Fantastic, well done mate! SCNR
My mobile app I created to let me interact with BruControl from anywhere made it into Zymurgy! Even cooler, another member from my club was also featured for a simple-yet-effective means to close-add biofine to a keg. We joked that we made it for the most- and least-techie brew gadgets.

I wish I could make a more generalized app to work with BruControl, but with Globals being the only interaction points (+script) and everyone's setups being different, that is near impossible...
View attachment 866960
You could create a list of all the hardware and a copy of the .brucfg file for the BruControl side.

I do not have an android phone, but maybe it would work on a Fire Tablet?
You could create a list of all the hardware and a copy of the .brucfg file for the BruControl side.

I do not have an android phone, but maybe it would work on a Fire Tablet?
Hard part remains all the scripts so the app can change a global and then trigger the other events... a configuration file with a set consistency is a good approach though. I'll look into this a bit.

And Fire Tablet is based on Android, so it should. Also, I built this with React Native, which can transpile into Android or iOS native code. Hard part is Apple makes testing on iPhones incredibly tough (but they offer emulators), and there's no side loading, so the app has to be distributed in the store. Android allows for third-party/side load installs.
One of the strengths of BruControl is also an issue. A good example is Port 10 in the configuration of BruControl, depending on the Firmware. In my mind, it would have been better to have it act the same regardless of Ethernet or not. It is not easy to change from Serial to Ethernet or WiFi.
Does anybody have an issue with their ESP32 connected via wifi going offline in brucontrol often even though the device is connected to wifi consistently and pings continue to succeed even when the brucontrol is saying the interface is offline. Sometimes rebooting the esp32 will fix it, sometimes it doesn't.
Does anybody have an issue with their ESP32 connected via wifi going offline in brucontrol often even though the device is connected to wifi consistently and pings continue to succeed even when the brucontrol is saying the interface is offline. Sometimes rebooting the esp32 will fix it, sometimes it doesn't.
I do. I can't nail down a cause other than some electrical interference in the boards I'm using (ESP32 boards with 4 relays, so perhaps some back-power spikes).

Most of the time, they come back online, but since sometimes they don't without a reset, I plugged each one into Sonoff S31 WiFi smart plugs that I reflashed with Tasmota firmware. I then had to set up a BC script to detect if an ESP32 was offline and start a timer if so. When the timer hits 1 minute without the element coming back online, the script changes a global that my Node-RED server picks up and sends a reset trigger to the Sonoff.

Not pretty, but I couldn't find the cause, so I set up a safety mechanism
Does anyone know where @BrunDog went?
No one knows. No messages. I heard he was responsive over brucontrol website.
The last software update was in July 2022. Pretty depressing...

I'm thinking this might be the end of the road. Any other options? I really liked BruControl.

I don’t need to switch right away, but it’s smart to prepare and migrate while there’s still time. Imagine waking up one day, the license server is gone, and you can’t brew. My confidence is really low. If no further development is planned, @BrunDog should release the software for those who already paid, without needing a license server.

What do you all think?
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No one knows. No messages. I heard he was responsive over brucontrol website.
The last software update was in July 2022. Pretty depressing...
View attachment 869064
I'm thinking this might be the end of the road. Any other options? I really liked BruControl.

I don’t need to switch right away, but it’s smart to prepare and migrate while there’s still time. Imagine waking up one day, the license server is gone, and you can’t brew. My confidence is really low. If no further development is planned, @BrunDog should release the software for those who already paid, without needing a license server.

What do you all think?
That would be nice for ease since I really like BruControl. I've been tempted to start an open-source, operating system-agnostic solution either as a Node.js app or a Node-RED plugin. In either case, the idea would be a web-based UI and either a websocket or UDP setup for communication between the app/server and the devices, keeping ESP32s and Arduinos as device options.

But if BruControl is slotted to stay active, at least for those who paid, I'd be happy to stick with it (though, I really looked forward to BruControl firmware for the fantastic ESP32S3)
No one knows. No messages. I heard he was responsive over brucontrol website.
The last software update was in July 2022. Pretty depressing...
View attachment 869064
I'm thinking this might be the end of the road. Any other options? I really liked BruControl.

I don’t need to switch right away, but it’s smart to prepare and migrate while there’s still time. Imagine waking up one day, the license server is gone, and you can’t brew. My confidence is really low. If no further development is planned, @BrunDog should release the software for those who already paid, without needing a license server.

What do you all think?
The hunt continues, I have an idea that might produce an answer, I will let you know if it pans out.
I’m still very happy with Brucontrol, even without active development. Brewery automation very niche not everyone NEEDS it. I think the program is very stable and it does everything I need it to do. Last summer, I bought a Mega Unishield (not installed yet…) that I’m looking forward to implementing soon. All in all, I’d still recommend it.
Same sentiments as @swimIan, very happy with Brucontrol and for my purpose it has a lot more built into it than I would ever use. Even if it turns out to be the end of the road for further development I think what @BrunDog brought to this project, getting any bugs that showed up quickly attended to, and all the updating of special requests, I am very happy with it and would say it is still a viable option for automating a homebrewery.

Same sentiments as @swimIan, very happy with Brucontrol and for my purpose it has a lot more built into it than I would ever use. Even if it turns out to be the end of the road for further development I think what @BrunDog brought to this project, getting any bugs that showed up quickly attended to, and all the updating of special requests, I am very happy with it and would say it is still a viable option for automating a homebrewery.

Yeah, I'd much rather keep it if it stays alive for years (or Windows updates) to come