Running BrewPi without RPI would lose the most powerful functions of it, but these will still be available:
Remote LCD display:

Run-Once-and-forget device setting:

Temperature control, include scheduled temperature:

The only thing missed is the beautiful temperature charts, but storing the temperature log is also possible.

This is how the GoogleSheet looks like:
The data on "bluemoon" sheet is real data from my fermenter in which is fact an IPA, not bluemoon. It has been fermenting for two weeks, so I dare to run the test on it. BTW, I just replaced the Arduino Nano with a NodeMcu board, and it works like a charm.
To reduce resource requirement, jQuery is not used, so the pages look ugly. That is the price for a SD card.
I've just run it for a few days. Therefore, it might still be unstable. Please verify before you put it into real brew. (IMO, enable watchdog timer reset is a better and for now the only way I can think to improve the usability.)
The instruction and source code are here:
Special thanks to Thorax for the porting of BrewPi to ESP8266, which saves a lot time for me. The BrewPi part is copied from his git.
Remote LCD display:

Run-Once-and-forget device setting:

Temperature control, include scheduled temperature:

The only thing missed is the beautiful temperature charts, but storing the temperature log is also possible.

This is how the GoogleSheet looks like:
The data on "bluemoon" sheet is real data from my fermenter in which is fact an IPA, not bluemoon. It has been fermenting for two weeks, so I dare to run the test on it. BTW, I just replaced the Arduino Nano with a NodeMcu board, and it works like a charm.
To reduce resource requirement, jQuery is not used, so the pages look ugly. That is the price for a SD card.
I've just run it for a few days. Therefore, it might still be unstable. Please verify before you put it into real brew. (IMO, enable watchdog timer reset is a better and for now the only way I can think to improve the usability.)
The instruction and source code are here:
Special thanks to Thorax for the porting of BrewPi to ESP8266, which saves a lot time for me. The BrewPi part is copied from his git.
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