Here is what I do not get. Let's make up some easy to use example numbers. Let's say you have 2,000 watt element. That 2,000 watt element raises 1 gallon of water 1° in 1 minute. The same element will heat 2 gallons of water 1° in 2 minutes, or 2 gallons 0.5° in 1 minute. And we can predict it will raise 5 gallons of water 1° in five minutes.
Unless I am overlooking something, the degree/minute rate is meaningless without volume factored in.
This is where I am confused. The BC is a degree/minute calculator. It is measuring temp on a second by second basis. It can tell you what the current ramp rate is. The BC can predict when the next threshold will be reached more accurately than me. So why do I need to set it?
In my opinion, step mash should have a self calculating mash option. User input values for A, B, C, X, Y & Z. The BC would behave as:
Step #1 A deg @ X minutes
After X minutes: turn on element & ramp up to
Step #2 B deg for Y minutes
After Y minutes: turn on element & ramp up to
Step #3 C deg for Z minutes
After Z minutes, turn off element