Brew kettle cleaning

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Nov 26, 2011
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The inside of my stainless kettle is really turning dark brown form all the boils
I've done.

Is there any cleaner out there that can help clean this off
maybe PBW or Oxyclean?

Every few brews I will scrub mine with some steel wool or an S.O.S. pad and then rinse it real good, seems to work pretty well.
Have you tried Bar Keeper's Friend yet? I would go with that LONG before taking steel wool/S.O.S pads to it. I've also had solid results with using PBW to get the insides of the kettle clean. Plus, you can put your tubing in there to get the insides nice and clean at the same time. Basically, I put as many other things into the solution as I can fit so that I don't waste any of it. :D Mix it up a little on the strong side (1.5oz per gallon) and it will do a LOT of the work for you. Mix it with hot tap water and let it soak overnight (or longer) and you could be surprised at how clean it gets everything.
I bring some fresh water up to boil and run that through my system. Use a scotch brite pad for the tougher stuff (but the steam takes care of most). Then when I am finished I dry everything that is about it and all my stuff still looks new.
white vinegar, put some in and let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes it will come right off, no steel wool needed.
I'm assuming you're using stainless steel? If yes, barkeepers friend will make it look like new. If you're using aluminum then you want that dark color in the pot, and you can just lightly clean if off with hot water, mild soap and a sponge...
I'm assuming you're using stainless steel? If yes, barkeepers friend will make it look like new. If you're using aluminum then you want that dark color in the pot, and you can just lightly clean if off with hot water, mild soap and a sponge...

pssst... look at the opening post... :drunk:
BTW, most grocery stores carry BKF in the cleaning supplies aisle. Unless you have an Amazon Prime account and can get it shipped for free... :rockin:

BTW, Stauffbier, I think you need some homebrew to recharge your brain cells. :D
I use a little Star San (no water dilution, just a little Star San) and a scotch brite pad. Works wonders. Pretty much anything acidic though will do a nice job and is safe on stainless.
PBW, Oxyclean, Barkeepers Friend
DO NOT use steel wool or any other metal scrubber on your kettle, it will damage the surface of your kettle.