Bottling Questions

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Aug 31, 2022
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As I am getting ready to bottle my first batch, I have a few questions on the process. First, concerning the bottles, do you just wash and use sanitizer OR do you sanitize in the dish washer (with a sanitize cycle) and then chemical sanitize before filling?

In regard to mead prep for bottling, do you stir your mead and let it sit a day or two before bottling, or just take it off the shelf and bottle it? TIA!
I wash then sanitize with Starsan.
I definitely do not stir the mead! Rack it carefully to your bottles to prevent excess lees in your bottles unless you are carbonating. If so, rack to carefully to your bottling container, add priming sugar then rack to bottles.
Starsan my bottles is step one. Then carefully while using a hose pour mead into it. Do not "stir" since it's been sitting there probably for a month or more.
Short version:
For the bottles I hand wash, dishwasher sanitize and then they go into the box upside down until I need them. Out of the box and chemical sanitized prior to immediate use.

Longer version:
Bottling... the portion I hate the most and an unexpected benefit results. Since I hate bottling I tend to leave in my carboys longer and before bottling I may have some very fine sediment that has finally dropped all the way out. At that point, I'll rack again to another container with some K-Meta and leave that last final bit of crud behind; I like a very clear mead.

For myself after I have cleaned and scrubbed bottles, I put them through my dishwashers sanitize routine and then they go into their box upside down until I am ready to use (usually weeks later). When I am ready to bottle, I mix up fresh Star San, let the bottles sit in the bucket for 2-3 minutes and then they go into my plastic tray that holds the bottles upside down. Once I have them all sanitized then I start the bottling process.

I dislike the bottling wands as I feel like I need a 3rd hand when starting. To help with that portion I glued a cardboard 4-pack holder down to a piece of wood and the bottles go in there. This keeps the bottles from tipping while I am bottling.

I have a few carboys that have a spigot and I'll sometimes just put some hose on the spigot and open it up to fill the bottles without a bottling wand.

With either of the above methods I add CO2 to the bottles before bottling so I can minimize O2 in this process.

I eventually tired of bottling like this and I also wanted to force carbonate and I moved to using some kegs. I added a bottling gun and will bottle out of the kegs and while you have to clean and sanitize before and after, I am much happier bottling this way.

If I have a mead in a keg that went in not quite as clear as I would have liked, I put it into a keg with a floating dip tube so it dispenses from the top of the keg and I get the clearest mead I can until I hit near the bottom.