Bottle Already?

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Active Member
Apr 8, 2010
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So I started a fat tire clone(my first attempt)this past monday. The first two days, the air lock was realeasing Co2, then it stopped. Last night(thursday), I checked the SpGr and got a 1.010. Original was 1.044. From what I've read, at 1.012 it's ready to bottle. Should I go ahead and botlle, skipping secondary? Or should I rack to the carboy and let it clarify a bit? Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I'd suggest that you take a couple more hydro readings over the next two or three days and see if it's still going down. You need to know that first. If it's finished, not descending, then the first part of the fermentation is complete. I shoot for three weeks in the primary, then I keg condition at cellar temps. for a couple more weeks with CO2.

There are about a Bazillin posts about this topic already on the forum. Good Luck.
Just started drinkin my fat tire clone last weekend and it was pretty damn good. Once you've checked your FG and it's current over about 3 days, bottle up, wait 3 weeks and enjoy.
Thanks for the advice, Wen. Dap, I took a sip of it form my hydro tube and was pleasantly surprised with how good it tasted already. I can't wait.