Well-Known Member
Ok, I know that I am going to be lambasted (or worse) here, but I need to come up with a recipe for Coors Lite. I have had a kegerator for the last 6-8 years and have mostly kept Coors Lite in it. I have only been home brewing for a few months and have always enjoyed the flavor of more "robust" beers. However I have several friends and unfortunately family members that are "woosies" and will only drink "yellow beer". I would like to be able to brew up and keg a good beer for them that I would also enjoy. I am ready to do my first AG and would like to do a "Coors Lite" style. Any input would be appreciated. A benifit to this for ME would be that I can free up the kegerator space for about 4 cornies instead of 1 keg!!