BlowTie Spunding Valve leaking under pressure

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Feb 15, 2022
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Using a FermZilla All Rounder with a BlowTie Spunding valve I'm 24+ hours into fermentation and the pressure was at 30 PSI.
I opened the spunding valve to dial down the pressure and the wort started pouring out of the spunding valve!
I had to release pressure using the PRV and it seems I can't dial down the pressure on the spunding valve without losing more wort.

Has anyone experienced this?
And know's a way to fix it?

I have used this BlowTie Spunding Valve in my last brew day and it was absolutely perfect.

Something to note: No -holds head in shame- I didnt check it under pressure before this brew day!
Well, slightly embarrassing :oops:
Of course I hooked up the spunding valve to the liquid out post... yeah!

The tradition of sampling the previous brew was maybe to blame here ?!