43 Degrees North
I have a universal slide in big mouth bubbler lid. My air trap kept getting pushed out along with the lid getting pushed up. I added some tubing to the main bubbler riser and ran the additional 4’ of hose into a 5 gallon bucket of . Bubbling was intermittent about every 10 seconds but the lid and airlock still wanted to get pushed out so I added a weight and wired the lid down to the carboy lifting loops. But it still wanted to push out the lid.
After reading some post on this forum when you guys said that the longer the tubing the Lord has to struggle to push the air out so I shorten the piece of poly tubing to 12” and put a mason jar on top of an upside down picture inside by 5 gallon bucket and now it is bubbling continuously.
I also changed out the star sand water with regular tapwater because I’ve also read that star stand could melt my poly tubing. I’m so grateful for this site and a lot of the administrators that can give feedback to problems happening in real time. I’m growing a heavy milk stout or so I'm told.
My OG was 1.103 and im using Imperial a nine pub yeast that I made a starter with. I’m pretty sure I’ve got all of the 200,000,000 billion cells and then some.
Not sure of my target gravity until tomorrow when my brewing supply store will recalculates my recipe since I undershot my maltodextrin by 8 oz. and overshot on DME by 2 lbs.
After reading some post on this forum when you guys said that the longer the tubing the Lord has to struggle to push the air out so I shorten the piece of poly tubing to 12” and put a mason jar on top of an upside down picture inside by 5 gallon bucket and now it is bubbling continuously.
I also changed out the star sand water with regular tapwater because I’ve also read that star stand could melt my poly tubing. I’m so grateful for this site and a lot of the administrators that can give feedback to problems happening in real time. I’m growing a heavy milk stout or so I'm told.
My OG was 1.103 and im using Imperial a nine pub yeast that I made a starter with. I’m pretty sure I’ve got all of the 200,000,000 billion cells and then some.
Not sure of my target gravity until tomorrow when my brewing supply store will recalculates my recipe since I undershot my maltodextrin by 8 oz. and overshot on DME by 2 lbs.