Hi all, i have done 2 extract batches, a pale ale, and an imperial pale ale. I also have done several all grain batches, (a sierra nevada clone, sweetwater 420 clone, and an american blonde). I have been drinking the sierra clone, the others are not ready yet. Anyway, all have turned out well and are very enjoyable, but i notice a bitter lingering aftertaste on the back sides of my toungue. Since then i have been paying more attention to other beers i have had from local breweries and commerical and none of them have the same bitterness on the back of the tongue. I have been careful to mash at the correct temperatures, and on the extract batches i made sure not to seep at too high of a temperature. I am wondering if maybe my water is the cause? I tried to get a water report but was unsucessful. I have been using camden tablets. Could the water i am using be causing this taste? I thought i might try my next batch with spring water to see if it was any different. Or would i be better off with distilled, or RO water? Any advice/thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!