Today I brewed my second BIAB hefe. As I was pulling the bag it slipped back into my pot from about a foot and a half above the pot. Down goes the grain, up comes the wort. It splashed across my shirt and down my pants and all over the concrete floor of my basement. In my panic of potential burns, I started trying to scramble back. Man, wort is slippery. Now I'm waving my hands and doing an ice dance trying to keep my feet. As I'm doing this, I have a flash of me knocking over 6 gallons of steaming wort and it rolling over me as I'm flat on my back. Luckily, my dog-like reflexes kicks in and I didn't go down or knock the pot over. I know they were dog-like cause if my cat-like reflexes would have kicked in I would have caught the bag before it hit the wort!
Anyway, I squeezed the bag extra hard and rinsed the grains with some water to make my preboil volume.
I might have to come up with something catchy to call this brew. It suppose to be a Blood Orange Hefe.
Anyway, I squeezed the bag extra hard and rinsed the grains with some water to make my preboil volume.
I might have to come up with something catchy to call this brew. It suppose to be a Blood Orange Hefe.