The world has no clue! Damn all the heathens!
It was the early winter of 1968. The scene was the Campus Hideaway, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, Planet Earth. An unsuspecting college freshman (me), having consumed more 3.2% Coors 'Rocky Mountain Rainwater' than he should have, accepted the daring (some would later claim Life Threatening) challenge of several long-forgotten classmates, and boldly ordered the newly concocted food product referred to as
"Hawaiian Pizza!!!" And the world was forever changed, the universe permanently altered.
I am truly sorry for those dietetically deficient know-nothings who deign to consider this cheesy delicacy as a culinary abomination. To the contrary, it can be the most delectable slice known to mankind, especially when liberally garnished with finely diced pieces of Canadian bacon.
Those who diss this fantastic dish must be summarily damned to suffer in foodie purgatory, along side those who have never known the joy of a Filipino balut, aka: "the Egg with Legs", which, if one is compelled to try, will need something much stronger than a pitcher of 3.2 ABV beer.
Bon appetit.