Best names for your beer batch?

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I like the "-ator" suffix on German dopplebocks, so I called my dopplebock "Salivator Dopplebock". I brewed 10 gallons, kegged half and bottled half. Drank the keg fast (bad idea to hit the dopplebock keg with 1 Liter mugs, take my word on that), and bottled the rest. I lost a case for a few years. It got shoved behind other stuff in the basement. When I found it after it was 2 years old, it was amazing! My favorite name though is "Tropical Mind **** Hazy IPA" but I can't take credit for that one. Got it from my brother in law from these guys****-hazy-ipa-all-grain-beer-recipe-kit. I always love giving beers like this to my in-laws and dropping a few f-bombs just to see their reaction!
I usually just call them the obvious names, either based on the name of the beer I've tried to clone or the beer style.
Smoked Black Rye IPA for example.

Only if I have a party I change the name a bit.
I haven't had any parties since before the pandemic so my beer menus are on my old laptop, but I do remember calling a clone of Innis & Gunn "Lumberjock"
because it's a Scottish beer with wood chips in it.
Another red ale I called Red Heeler as there was someone at the party who was a fan of Cattle Dogs.
WHen I first saw this thread, I thought, "Best name for your beer b*tch"... Hmmm... Any takers?
Well, I guess that would be hijacking a thread... sorry!
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I usually don't name my beers except for a few that honor loved ones that have pasted.
Marsha's Brown Eyes Brown Ale for my sister, Papa Doyle's Baltic Porter and Mama's love Blonde Ale.
I do have an APA named Die Commie Bastard and there are no apologies for that name.
Army Vet here.
I usually just call them the obvious names, either based on the name of the beer I've tried to clone or the beer style.
Smoked Black Rye IPA for example.

Only if I have a party I change the name a bit.
I haven't had any parties since before the pandemic so my beer menus are on my old laptop, but I do remember calling a clone of Innis & Gunn "Lumberjock"
because it's a Scottish beer with wood chips in it.
Another red ale I called Red Heeler as there was someone at the party who was a fan of Cattle Dogs.
I found my old beer menus, most were indeed just normal but there were a few exceptions.

Tangerine Dream - an APA with Summit hops
Dr. Fuggles - an English IPA - actually brewed with East Kent Goldings and not Fuggles but though it sounded better
Rye of the Tiger - a Rye IPA
Brown Legend - Double Brown Oatmeal and Rye Ale - one of the worst beers I have ever brewed but looking back with hindsight I probably didn't let it age long enough
As I was driving past Stonehenge yesterday I thought I would make a beer related to it called Summer Solstice, basically Maris Otter and First Gold. It’s Graham Wheeler’s Summer Lightning recipe replacing the hops with First Gold.
I once decided to make a hazy milkshake sort beer entirely from baby foods. More precisely, types of oat, wheat barley and pureed fruit that are typically used to make baby foods, not foods from actual baby food packaging.

The pureed fruit was blood orange.

The name: Sippy Cup of Blood.
Wish you were beer.
Drink Floyd. Hahahaha
Wood infused 12.8‰ barley wine - forgive me father
hazy DIPA - Rumpy Pumpy
My first imperial stout - crossing the rubicon
Dark wheat double bock - Suck my Bock
The same bock with coco nibs - Suck my Choc
Coffee and chocolate imp stout - upside down Breakfast Blumke for beginners
Imperial brown ale with coco - Super Ego
I posted this one in other threads. I had been naming some of my beers after Beatles songs. My favorite was the Imperial Stout I call Back In The USSR. Our cat Ziggy passed before Christmas last year and I asked AI to make me a label for that beer with a Russian blue cat wearing a Russian hat holding a dark beer with the Kremlin behind him. It made me this.

Back in the USSR 2.jpeg

Gully Dwarf Tea
(My first beer I brewed, I gave it this name because my first hydrometer was not working properly when I tested. After drinking, my buddy and I decided it was closer to a 10.1% ABV)
9 finger stout. i was going through a tolkien phase.

my dad use to always talk about a homebrewing buddy in college in the 50's who made :

"Old frogs leg - a hop in every drop"