Best Malt focused, clean ale yeast

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2013
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What's the best malt focused, clean ale yeast?
I tried Wyeast 1332 and it was terrible.
I've tried WLP028 and it was pretty good, but I'm wondering if there's something else out there I should try
Also hoping for something kind of lower attenuating, to keep more malt body in the beer
Hear that sound? That's the sound of your mom's 1970's can opener working on a fresh can of worms. :D

Are you able to control temperature?

The reason I ask is that many ale yeasts, in my experience, are similar when fermented at the lower ends of their recommended temp range. Eg, WY1056/WY1272 produce similar beers when fermented between 60-65. With temp control in the low-60's, I'd prefer WY1272 because it flocc's faster/better than WY1056 and is relatively clean.

Above 65* WY1056 will usually be a bit less estery/fruity than WY1272.

So it depends on your situation. I've switched to BRY-97 for most American ales, then I control the temp based on desired ester/hops profile, fwiw
You need to give WY1450: Denny's favorite 50 a shot. Great yeast, I've used it a number of times and it does not disappoint.

That's exactly what I came here to say. I have found that Denny's accentuates malt flavor like nothing else. I once even did a side-by-side split brew (a stout) where I did one half with 1272 and the other with Denny's. The Denny's was much maltier and really tasty.
I third the opinion to give 1450 a try. After years of trying many different varieties of ale yeasts, I recently anointed it my house ale yeast strain.

For certain British or Belgian styles i'd suggest going with those yeasts, but for your more typical american styles such as blonde, pale ale, IPA, brown, stout, etc, 1450 is a great choice.
That's exactly what I came here to say. I have found that Denny's accentuates malt flavor like nothing else. I once even did a side-by-side split brew (a stout) where I did one half with 1272 and the other with Denny's. The Denny's was much maltier and really tasty.

That's what I was going to say, as well. I love that strain because it brings out the malt flavors without the beer being too sweet or underattenuated.
Apologies, I missed the "malt focused" part of the OP.

+1 for Denny's 1450. I've only used it in dark ales. Attenuates well w/o drying out the beer. I've read elsewhere that it's great in an APA/IPA too. Getting ready to rack an Espresso Stout to a keg tonight that used 1450, so no more trolling HBT for me today...
What's the best malt focused, clean ale yeast?
I tried Wyeast 1332 and it was terrible.
I've tried WLP028 and it was pretty good, but I'm wondering if there's something else out there I should try
Also hoping for something kind of lower attenuating, to keep more malt body in the beer

Just to clarify, I've used both Wyeast 1728 and WLP028 a number of times. I prefer 1728, and I have a theory that they're not the same.
Appreciate all the input. Unfortunately my LhBS only carries White labs. I got WLP011. Couldn't find much on it but didn't read anything bad.
wlp011 is cleanish, Its low attenuating, and for me always throws a faint rustic earthy character. I like it for Biere de Garde.