Bells Beer....mmmmm

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Kalamazoo MI
Has anyone ever had any beer brewed by Bells Brewery? Its a local micro brewery here but the distribute to 8 states around MI.....check out and click on beer finder to locate where you can buy it. I also buy my brewing supplies from their store :cool:
Definitely. I had their stuff years ago in college, and I have a buddy whose folks live in Michigan, so he brings it back here from time to time. I love their porter. Darn near everything of theirs that I have had is great, including some seasonals.

Never been to the actual pub, though...
Yeah, I havent been to their pub yet but I buy lots of their beer from time to time....Their oberon that they sell in the summer is very good too. I use their blank bottles for the beer...only $5 a case. I sent my brother a case of it for christmas because he moved out to Colorado a couple years ago. He loved it!
Bell's, New Holland and Founders are my favorites. With Third Coast Old Ale and Two Hearted Ale being my favorites from Bell's. Batch 1500 was also an excellent brew though limited. Batch 5000 was quite unique though smoked ales aren't my thing. Eccentric ale pretty much speaks for itself.
Tophe96 said:
Yeah, I havent been to their pub yet but I buy lots of their beer from time to time....Their oberon that they sell in the summer is very good too. I use their blank bottles for the beer...only $5 a case. I sent my brother a case of it for christmas because he moved out to Colorado a couple years ago. He loved it!

Remember when Oberon was called Solsun.....
vr6need4speed said:
Remember when Oberon was called Solsun.....

Not a youngin :) Turned 21 last year so I havent been drinking their beer for very long. It was always bud light or cheap stuff in my under age days......My bro probably remembers though.
Tophe96 said:
Not a youngin :) Turned 21 last year so I havent been drinking their beer for very long. It was always bud light or cheap stuff in my under age days......My bro probably remembers though.

no biggie. at least you've expanded your horizons at the optimal age. good job.
I just bought a sixer of this today and am sampling my first one. It was bottled on October 10, 2005 and I am writing this on Nov. 4th.

This is a wonderful ale. Medium bodied and carbonated, it has a nice warm flavor - maybe aromatic or biscuit malt?...not sure. But it is a great Fall ale. More malt than hops, but well balanced - not sweet or bitter. IMHO, this is an ale you can begin the first college football game with on Saturday and never have an urge to change to a diffeent style all day!;)

I'd love to replicate this! I'm already saving the yeast remnants in the bottle!:D
Yeah, I picked up one of their Porters when I was passing through on my way back from Canada this summer. Unfortunately, I only got one because I was trying to check out as many beers as possible. I do remember it being pretty good, though. I've got to start keeping notes on the beers I try.
I used to have to go to Chicago for Bell's but a liquor store around here just started selling it. All their beers are good, but for my money, I can't help but buy the Two Hearted almost every time. It's just beautiful in every way.
If you ever come through kalamazoo, you should stop in to their general store. You can buy single bottles of every beer they make. Mix and match your own case if you want to.

I still havent tried all of their beers......Alot of the local bars and pubs keep oberon on tab during the summer, and amber ale in the fall.

They sell homebrewing supplies too...
A local distributor just started carrying their line, so of course I had to pick up a sampler. Very high quality and tasty stuff. Reminds me of homebrew :cross:
Tried the Kalamazoo Stout and the Java Stout last night. Split a case with a complete stranger out in the parking lot of the distributor! That was cool. Anyways, both are very good, but I am partial to the Kalamazoo. Interestingly for a Stout, it pours a big head! I kind of like that. The Expedition (I am guessing it is an Imperial Stout?) is almost $60 for a that was outta the question.
Cool. All I've had is the Two hearted Ale and the Pale Ale, and both were good.

I hope you didn't drive home after you split a whole case of beer with that stranger!!!!!! I'm surprised you didn't have alcohol poisoning after that!
Dude said:
Cool. All I've had is the Two hearted Ale and the Pale Ale, and both were good.

I hope you didn't drive home after you split a whole case of beer with that stranger!!!!!! I'm surprised you didn't have alcohol poisoning after that!

Lol. There is a cool twist to the story. He just moved into town from Michigan (Guess that is why he likes Bells), and we got talkin and he's a homebrewer! Seemed like a nice enough guy.
Bell's makes a really tasty beer.

At the bars around down they carry the Two Hearted Ale, Pale Ale, Winter Ale and in the summer, Oberon. I've tried all of 'em and their Belgian, 'Hell Hath No Furry,' which was also delicious.

I'd give 'em a thumbs up to anyone looking to try something new. :rockin:
Just a follow up on the Java Stout. I tried another one last night. I chilled it down to 58 (down from the mid 60's of when I had brought it home and first tried it). It is very well done, but probably is more of a dessert beer if you ask me. It is a fairly high ABV for a Stout, and imo the coffee balance is excellent. I sat there savoring the flavor of one last night. Truly an excellent example of the style. I tend to judge food and beverages by how well they favorably remain in the memory after you are done with them. I am having trouble getting this out of my mind. Definitely not an every day beer, imo, but great to have around for when you are in the mood.
Bells is a great brewery and Oberon is a super popular selection at a number of Chicago watering holes in the summer. But due to some shady Illinois distriution laws no more Bells here for us. I can guarantee I'll be crossing the border into Beloit, Wisconsin next time I visit my family in Rockford, IL to pick up some Two Hearted and some Oberon this summer.

The Chicago Reader did a nice article on Bell's and the overall shady IL distribution laws a few months back. Good reading.