Belgian Pils Malt Substitution

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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
I screwed up a batch, and need to rebuy my grain bill. On it, it has Belgian Pils Malt, but my LHBS doesn't carry it. Adequate substitutions?
Any other pils will be fine (French or German would be closest). If it is a dark Belgian you could even get away with American pale, but for a pale/blonde beer I would go pils.
The Weyermann should be fine. It's a german pilsner malt. Many Belgian breweries use german pilsner.
Carapils is NOT the same! That's a brand name for a dextine malt that provides head retention. It doesn't have any diastatic power at all, so don't use that one! I like Weyermann- that's a good German maltster.
Castle is a Belgian Maltster, and a very good one at that. All of the Belgian grains we carry are Castle.


Agreed. Although I haven't used any of their other malts, from what I've read (Brew Like a Monk) their specialty malts are made by Dingemans.