Beerswap 2007 - OhioBrewtus' brews

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
Please post your reviews of my brews here. Brews were sent out to Brewtopia, Evan! and Yuri_Rage

Brew coding reference (this is all from memory so some of the abv numbers may not be accurate but I will correct later this evening if I need to):

7S - AC/DC Stout - This is a double chocolate dark cheery stout that sat on light American oak chips for a bit under two weeks in secondary. 4.1%

8K - Kiltlifter Wee Heavy - Scottish Wee Heavy - 8.8%

9J - Jingle Hell - I like to refer to this as Hoegaarden on steriods :) 9.3% abv

10B - Blue Bitch - This is an 'Imperial' Hefe brewed with dried lemon peel, lemongrass, and bottled with blueberry extract. 9.8%

11H - Hoegaarden clone - this was my second attempt at a Hoegaarden clone

12K - Kolsch

13P - HoneyDo Porter - honey porter

SA - Summer Ale clone

15A - Apfelwine

16B - Baby light (a low carb beer that SWMBO bought a kit for... man is this beer overcarbonated)

17S - Snowman Ale - this was attempt #3 at Hoegaarden. I modified the recipe a bit from above, and used yeast that I cultivated from Hoegaarden bottles and stepped up several times rather than using WLP400.

CCA - everyone knows what this is

SAII - Summer Ale version 2.0 (may be a bit green if consumed prior to 9/20)

21DD - Hoegaarden clone ( or as I affectionately call it - Donkey Dick's Belgian Wit... it's a long story :D )- This was attempt #4 at Hoegaarden (may be a bit green if consumed prior to 9/20).

I think that covers all of the different brews that I sent out to everyone.
8K - 'Kiltlifter' Wee Heavy

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Nice hiss, low carbonation (works for the style), beautiful caramel-rust color. Very inviting.

Aroma: This is malt heaven. I only wish my wee heavy had smelled this good. I get freshly baked bread, toffee, caramel, molassas, you name it. Not very forceful on the hops, true to style.

Palate: Delivered on the promises of the nose: doughy, malty, roasty, very toffee-ish. A faint hop taste, but almost imperceptible. The mouthfeel is awesome...very creamy and silky, and full!!! The only complaint here is that it seems a little toned down compared to the nose. Everything is there, of course, and it all works, but it seems like someone just turned down the volume a couple notches. But there's not much to be done about that.

Proximity to the Style: I've had plenty of scottish wee heavies, and this seems like it hits pretty close to the mark. You said it's 8.8% ABV, but it doesn't seem like it. A lot of commercial wee heavies tend to show their alcohol a little bit more than this, which can be a good thing. But at 8.8%, what else can you do?

Overall Impression: One of my favorites from the melange, and could easily stand up with commercial examples. I want the recipe, as my wee heavy kinda sucked.

SCORE: 41/50​
7S - 'AC/DC Stout'

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Low hiss, standard carbonation. Very small off-white head and no lacing. Almost 100% opaque color, with slight reddish edges.

Aroma: The roasted grains are there, but seem subdued. Very little hop aroma, if any. Slightly malty, but more fruit than anything else. Smells slightly estery. I can't put my finger on it, but something is off. Probably the esters, but that's not all.

Palate: Now I see what it is...the blackcherry extract. I remember now. Why do I remember? Because I had a botched oatmeal stout that had way too much roasted grains in it, so I oaked the hell out of it, then added blackcherry extract at bottling...just like this recipe. Something about the blackcherry and oak just doesn't sit well with my batch and in brewtus'. Instead of simply making it cherry-ish, it gives it an odd cough-syrup backdrop. Not my cup o' tea...but I've got a case of my own, so I'll get through it. The cocoa is imperceptible---the cherry and oak have taken over entirely. It tastes medicinal and overwrought.

Proximity to the Style: Um, what style? Fruit beer? I dunno. Not really anything to compare it to except the one that I have just like it. It's close to that. :D

Overall Impression: Like I said, not my cup o' tea. There's a clash in there between the oak and the roasted grains and the black cherry. One would think they'd go well together, but I think this needs time to mellow or something. I'm gonna sit on my case for awhile. Pretty crazy that we both did the same thing...

SCORE: 18/50​
11H - Hoegaarden Clone #1

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Nice hiss and pour; very pretty head (almost to the top of my goblet). Beautiful lacing, slowly dissipating head. Color is a little darker than Hoegaarden, but almost there.

Aroma: Not exactly Hoegaarden. Better, I think. A little more orange peel and coriander than Hoegie...more aroma. Wow...this smells amazing. I love witbier, so this is a treat.

Palate: Oh yeah....this is gooood stuff. Orange peel, coriander, wit yeast spiciness...and a very forceful flavor that really works well here. Ultimately refreshing and drinkable, this one went down quickly. The body is a little thicker than Hoegie, and the mouthfeel is very silky. It might be missing something right in the middle of the palate, but you can't win 'em all.

Proximity to the Style: Spot-effing-on, baby.

Overall Impression: I'd take this over the actual Hoegaarden any day of the week. More flavor, more aroma, better body, more fulfilling and enjoyable overall. I'm a big wit fan, as I said, so take it from a discriminating wit drinker: this is a winner.

SCORE: 39/50​
Thanks for the reviews, Evan. I look forward to reading the rest.

The only way we learn how to make our beers better is by the honest critique of others.
Evan! said:
I want the recipe, as my wee heavy kinda sucked.

The batch that I sent you was a PM, believe it or not. I have an AG version in primary right now and if I'm happy with it when it's done I'll gladly post the recipe for all.
OB - got the beers today. They were WELL packed - nicely done! I can't wait to try them all out. I'm trying not to read the other reviews before posting my own, though I caught a glimpse of the Hoegaarden review above, and it made my mouth water.

Could you post a key? A quick edit to your original post up top would work well.

Thanks so much!

Deep, golden amber with a thick, pillowy white head. The small bubbles in the head quickly grouped into large bubbles, then dissipated to a thin white collar that laced nicely down the sides of the glass as it emptied. It's a bit cloudy, but I poured it about 15 minutes after receiving it from FedEx and chilling it in an ice-water bath, so perhaps it was still agitated from shipping.

Sweet with prominent vanilla and sugary candy notes. Slightly fruity - pear or apple? Pleasant.

Very subtle up front but quickly coats the tongue with a sweet, persistent vanilla flavor. The vanilla is very pronounced and perhaps a bit "fake" - as if it were vanilla flavoring rather than real beans or good extract. Caramel notes are minimal - perhaps lost in the sweetness provided by lactose or Splenda. The fruitiness from the nose doesn't really carry over to any fruit overtones in the flavor.

Light and full at the same time. The carbonation gives it a light, easy drinking feel, but the sweetness brings a mouth-coating, silky smoothness to the experience.

I'd like to say session beer. My first impression was that I could drink it all night. By the end of a pint, it gets a little heavy, and the cloying sweetness combined with the persistent vanilla flavor makes me think that a pint or two would be enough. Still, an enjoyable beer, and one I'd have again!

Cream ale? No. Creme-filled candy ale? If there were such a style, this complies 100%.
Yuri_Rage said:
OB - got the beers today. They were WELL packed - nicely done! I can't wait to try them all out. I'm trying not to read the other reviews before posting my own, though I caught a glimpse of the Hoegaarden review above, and it made my mouth water.

Could you post a key? A quick edit to your original post up top would work well.

Thanks so much!

I emailed it to you a couple of nights ago so check to see if you still have it. Regardless, I'll post a key to the brews as best as I can from memory and double-check it when I get home tonight. I have it on my laptop at home and I'm at work right now.
I did get your e-mail, but I just couldn't find it last night. Thanks for the key!

7S - AC/DC Stout

Dark, murky brown with a thin tan head that dissipates quickly. Slight to no lacing.

Predominantly yeast with an almost Belgian quality. Roasted grain and chocolate with barely a hint of cherry.

Very roasty with pronounced oak. A bit harsh. Chocolate and cherry from the aroma are initially overcome by bitterness from the predominant flavors. As I got toward the bottom of the glass, I began to notice an alcohol-like bite that leaves an odd, slightly astringent aftertaste - perhaps the cherry coming through?

Full and thick. Slightly more carbonated than required.

The aroma does not prepare you for the assault on the tastebuds. Age would do this beer a lot of good, I think. An OK beer that I'd share with friends and attempt to refine next time by cutting back the black barley, black patent, and/or roasted malt.

Definitely a stout. The wood aging doesn't detract from it at all, but the heavy roasted notes deliver more bitterness than is probably desirable, and that "bite" leaves things just a tad off for me.
8K - Kiltlifter Wee Heavy

Murky mahogany reddish-brown - nice color, and what I would expect of a Scottish ale, surely it would be gorgeous if it were clear. Thin head, quickly dissipated.

ALCOHOL! Once you get through the initial alcohol burn, it's malty and sweet. Very slight ester profile.

Very pronounced alcohol bite with an earthy, peaty finish. Malty with a nice hop bitterness. The occasional sweet/caramel note pops through. Alcohol is the predominant flavor throughout.

Dry but not too thin. Carbonation is about right.

Definitely a one-pint-per-night beer. The alcohol is too pronounced, making it a bit of a harsh-drinking beer. This beer is in your face from start to finish. Pairing it with food (bread) makes the alcohol bite even more pronounced. Fermenting it a bit colder may keep the bite to a minimum.

I'm not overly familiar with the style, so I can't comment too much here. Definitely Scottish, definitely a kilt-lifter with the high ABV.
12K - Kölsch

Very nice, tall, white, frothy head. Beautiful pale golden color with just a bit of haze.

Very clean with a slight but distinct fruity nose that I might attribute to hops. Quite reminiscent of a pilsner.

The nose had me prepared for a pilsner flavor, but that pilsner hop bite isn't there at all. Instead, it's very clean and balanced. Hops are there but not assertive. Slight Granny Smith apple twang adds some character. Malt is mild - little sweetness if any.

Clean and crisp. Carbonated a little high, which suits it well.

Session beer all the way. I like this beer quite a bit. It's just a tad boring, but the balance and refreshing lightness make it a winner. BMC drinkers should be introduced to homebrew with something like this. It's got just enough character to keep it from being lackluster, and it's a really easy drinking beer.

Again, not a style I'm really familiar with, but this has got to be spot on for a Kölsch.

This was a really great beer. My favorite so far (about halfway through the sampler).
13P - HoneyDo Porter

Deep, dark, clear brown with a very slight reddish/mahogany tone. The clearest of ob's beers I've had to date. Pours with little tan head that settles to a thin ring.

Very clean. Roasted grain with brown sugar/molasses notes. Very slight hint of bready yeast. Pleasant, sweet, looking forward to the first sip.

Surprisingly light. Dare I say a bit watered down? Very little flavor up front. The roasted notes are apparent, but not nearly as strong as I'd expect. The brown sugar and molasses are present only in the aftertaste.

Very thin and watery. Carbonated medium to high. Needs some body.

Certainly easy to drink. Probably not all that strong in ABV. Lacking in character overall. Not bad, but not what I'd expect of a porter.

More of an English mild or brown ale than a porter, I'd say. Needs more roasty goodness and some body.
No problem, ob! If anything I say in the reviews sounds negative, it's not a personal attack. It's also not a sign at all that I'm not enjoying your beer. Every one of them has been pretty good - I'm actually having a great time trying the excellent sampler. Makes me wish I had more beer to share!

9J - Jingle Hell

Cloudy golden color. A little drab. Pours with a very thin ring of white foam.

VERY clean. Just a hint of citrus. Malty and delicious to the nose.

WOW! Now this is a beer that conceals it's high ABV well! It's sweet and citrus laced - lots of orange. Just a touch of bitterness at the finish, likely due to the alcohol.

Just right. Carbonated well, a little heavy on the palate - just what I expected from the description.

I'd drink this all night...but it'd be a short night because of the high alcohol content. A great beer for special occasions or perhaps when SWMBO needs a little extra encouragement. Great beer.

Not sure what style this is. Imperial Wit? If it's a variation on a wit, the color is too dark, but the flavor is all there.
16B - Baby light

Foamy! Big bubbly foam that really wants to overflow if you're not careful. Light golden, almost clear with a VERY slight haze. See video below.

Clean. Unremarkable. BMC with barely a hint of esters.

Overcarbonated, as OB mentioned. Clean. Unremarkable. BMC.

See above.

This screams lawnmower beer except for the overcarbonation. Very easy to drink and rather refreshing.

Right on for an American light beer.

Taken just after I poured this beer. Look carefully in the center of the glass - you can see tons of bubbles rising up from the laser etched ring. The resolution kinda got killed on YouTube, so it's a little difficult to see details.

I certainly don't expect every review of one of my beers to be completely positive. In fact, most of the reviews that I've seen to date of my brews have been in line with my own personal reviews of my beers.

No review is seen as a personal attack of any kind. I'd rather have an honest negative review than have someone blow smoke up my ass.

As for the Baby Light... I'm surprised that you had that little head. I had one about a week ago and it was 80% foam when I poured it. I hate that beer. It was a kit that SWMBO ordered and I brewed for her. As soon as I saw that I was supposed to crush and add beano tablets to the boil I knew that I was going to be in trouble.

Thank God I have an Arrogant Bastard to drink and not a Baby Light! (which of course, SWMBO named.. not me.)
ohiobrewtus said:
As for the Baby Light... I'm surprised that you had that little head.
As soon as I saw that I was supposed to crush and add beano tablets to the boil I knew that I was going to be in trouble.
It took me several minutes to pour this beer, or I would've had a foamy mess.

Adding beano to the boil? Wouldn't that denature any enzymes that are supposed to work for you later? Weird.

It really wasn't that bad, but it's not a beer I would brew. BMC is cheap enough to buy, and I don't feel compelled to replicate it.
I completely agree with you, but SWMBO was bound and determined to have me brew this, so I did.

As previously mentioned, I hate this beer.
11H - Hoegaarden clone

Cloudy golden color. Thin white head with a bit of lacing.

Very malty - lots of wheat coming through. Slight citrus twang.

Up front it's just about right for Hoegaarden - smooth, citrus, a bit sweet. The finish is very bitter (bitter orange maybe?).

Thick and rich. Just right.

A good beer. Not great because of the bitter finish, but a good beer. One I'd be glad to share with friends.

Too dark in color, not enough citrus/coriander aroma. Coriander is lacking in the flavor as well. Finish should be sweeter. Head should be more full and persistent.

The beer in my coveted Hoegaarden glass:

17S - Snowman Ale

Cloudy golden color - significantly lighter than the 11H. Pours with a nice white froth, but it quickly dissipates to nothing.

VERY, VERY clean. Barely a hint of coriander and orange. Almost no aroma at all.

Just guessing, but this beer was a bit of a knee jerk reaction to the 11H. The 11H had a ton of orange and too much of a malt that wasn't white/Belgian wheat. This beer barely has any orange, and the flavor is very thin overall. The coriander makes a brief presence on the palate with this one. A compromise in flavor between the 11H and 17S would be excellent.

A little thin. Not bad. Carbonated at the right level.

Again, a good beer, but not great. Quite easy to drink, though.

Still a touch too dark in color with little to no citrus/coriander aroma. Coriander is slightly more present than in the 11H, and the orange is all but gone. Again, the head should be more full and persistent.
10B - Blue Bitch

CLEAR! Crystal clear with a nice white froth. Head dissipates quickly - seems to be a bit of a trend.

Nice and fruity. Big banana nose with a hard to place fruity complexity. Sweet and inviting.

Love it! Banana and spice up front - definite hefe flavor. Well balanced. That complex fruitiness leaves a bit of bittersweet question mark on the palate - quite pleasant, though.

Just right! Carbonated at the right level.

Hides the high ABV without a doubt. A session beer...except that the session would end in unconscious bliss.

No idea what style this is, but it works for me. Best beer yet, OB! Thank you!

21DD - Donkey Dick's Belgian Wit

Nice pale yellow. A touch cloudy with yeast. Thin head - should be more full and persistent.

Again, quite clean to the nose. Mostly orange with just a touch of coriander.

Nicely balanced bitter orange up front. Smooth bitterness. The orange lingers a bit strongly in the aftertaste - almost an "orange juice from concentrate" sort of flavor that hangs around after a few sips.

Well carbonated, nice mouthfeel. Hoegaarden tends to have a silkier feel on the palate - maybe some oats would help out there.

Not sure if I like this one or the Kolsch better, but definitely one of the best you sent. Very easy to drink, quite refreshing.

A very nice wit. You nailed the color on this one, and there really aren't any big flaws except that it's just not quite Hoegaarden.
Sorry for the delay...I completely forgot! Transferring my notes now...

17S - Snowman Ale

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Slight hiss, short head, nice white froth.

Aroma: More subtle than the first go-round, and not as spicy. Much different, but I can't say that it's any closer to or further from Hoegaarden. Hoegie doesn't have much of an orange or coriander character...not as much as many other Belgian wits. No hop aroma here, which is right for Hoegie.

Palate: Same here as on the nose. Much more subtle, but not quite in the realm of Hoegaarden yet. I like it, it's very refreshing and could be a nice lawnmower beer.

Proximity to the Style: Not as spicy as I'm used to on a wit, and there's not as much wheat "twang". The color is about right, and it's nice n' cloudy.

Overall Impression: Didn't like this one as much as the first attempt. Not quite as interesting or complex. Then again, I like my wits pretty spicy, so take it with a grain of salt.

SCORE: 33/50​
13P - Honeydo Porter

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Very pretty stuff...nice bone-colored head, not much of it, but it's there. The red edges can be made out if you hold it up to the light.

Aroma: Slightly roasty, with a bit of chocolate in there. Little to no hop aroma. Smells...balanced, but not altogether pungent or exciting.

Palate: Ah, nice and malty...and plenty roasty too. My notes agree with Yuri's assessment here: it needs more body. But I didn't find it watered down...just more of a session porter. Somewhere I get maple syrup and charcoal, but it's ever so subtle.

Proximity to the Style: This reminds me a little of Old Richmond's Brown or Abita Turbodog, but not quite as expressive. It's definitely a brown porter more than a robust one. Could use a touch more hop aroma/flavor, and a bit more body.

Overall Impression: I liked it, alot...simply because porters are often an undertaking. People take them as seriously as they take imperial stouts...and sometimes, I want a session porter. This is nice, because it's light and not too complicated. So for what it is, and not what it wants to be, I likey!

SCORE: 38/50​
10B - Blue Bitch

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Typical carbo, looks like. Good hiss, small head. Clearer than the wheat beers, of course...

Aroma: Spicy, fruity, odd. No hop aroma. Some citrus.

Palate: Gotta say, this turns me off. I don't taste the blueberry at all. It's all lemon. No matter what, it keeps reminding me of lemon pledge. It's not a bad beer, just not my cup o' tea. The lemon has effectively taken this beer over. A mutiny, I say. I've been there before with my lemon-lime brew.

Proximity to the Style: I'm looking in the BJCP style guide for "lemon beer", but I can't find it...;)

Overall Impression: Not sure what made you think of lemon and blueberries, but hey, whateva floats yer boat. Personally, the lemon was over the top for me. I couldn't get much else out of it. It seemed correct and balanced outside of the lemon...

SCORE: 20/50​
9J - Jingle Hell

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: A little darker than usual, prolly from the DME. Nice white head, no staying power.

Aroma: Wow, I don't know what to say. This is awesome. I could smell it all night, it's that fun. Spice, orange, a slight hop aroma, and complexity to boot. This is droolifying, but classic at the same time.

Palate: Blam! And the follow through is all there. I did not want this one to be done. This is like Bell's 8000, but better. Not nearly as clumsy as their version. The high alcohol isn't apparent. The mouthfeel is creamy and silky, nicely full while still being refreshing and elegant. The complexity here is miles deep, and I get earthy notes from the hops, along with spices that I know aren't in the beer, like allspice and cloves.

Proximity to the Style: An imperial wit isn't exactly a traditional style, but this is damned fine stuff, and is what an imperial wit should be.

Overall Impression: Definitely my favorite, brewtus. keep on rockin' this one. Keep the recipe, don't change anything. And send me more!

SCORE: 45/50​
Thanks again guys. I've got another round of 8+ batches that will be ready soon and may be sending out some unsolicited samples as the reviews that you posted we very imformative - just what I was looking for.

Now if I could just track down that Brewtopia character... :D
Evan! said:
9J - Jingle Hell ...​

Overall Impression: Definitely my favorite, brewtus. keep on rockin' this one. Keep the recipe, don't change anything. And send me more!

SCORE: 45/50​

I want to see the recipe for this, brewtus! It sounds too damn good!
Rhoobarb said:
I want to see the recipe for this, brewtus! It sounds too damn good!

I don't have the recipe for this on my laptop, but I'll post it within the next couple of days and put a link to it in this thread.

The batch that was reviewed here was actually a PM. When I can get back to brewing I'm going to work on an AG version.
30 - Pale Ale

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Good hiss, nice head, but loose bubble matrix which dissipates in a couple minutes. The color is a nice reddish-orange, very pretty, with moderate clarity.

Aroma: Awesome hop aromas, not too much, but just enough to balance out the malt...which, at the same time, makes this beer. Slightly toasty notes and bready/yeasty aromas mingle with the fresh fruity hops to really hit a high note.

Palate: Already can tell this is one of your best. The balance is really what strikes me. Personally, my problem is that I can't achieve the balance that the British brewers do. It's either too hoppy and harsh, or it's malty with very little hop flavor or aroma. You've just about hit that sweet spot, and it's really a joy. This is a kegging beer, something to keep on tap and serve to everyone. I love the slightly fruity notes that hit me along with the hops and the toasted malty flavors. As it warms up, the hops begin to take over, and it's quite refreshing. If I had to offer any criticism, I'd say that it could use a little biscuit malt. It does have a biscuity character, but the bitters I've had have been a little more pronounced.

Proximity to the Style: Very nice British-leaning pale ale, where balance is key.

Overall Impression: One of the, if not the most balanced brew in your portfolio that I've had. the hops are subtle but enjoyable, and you get that biscuity malt that really makes you feel at home. This was my first beer during my recent double-brew-session, and it set the tone for the afternoon. A great beer, without much of a flaw. If I had to suggest some kind of improvement (which is what these things are for, right?), I'd say that, as above, you could use a little more doughy character, and maybe a little less yeastiness. But honestly, that's a bit forced, because I really dug this brew and would drink them all day long.

SCORE: 42/50​

EDIT: I thought this was the bitter when I first reviewed it. In fact, it was the Pale Ale. Remind me next time to keep a bottle code legend at hand! Damn fine beer though!
HK - Hop Kolsch

Uncapping / Pouring / Aesthetics: Perfect pour, very pretty head. The color strikes me more than anything. This stuff is ghostly white. I've had berlinerweisses that were darker than this. Cloudy and off-white, is what it is.

Aroma: The smell from the bottleneck is here too. A distinct new-plastic smell that is not band-aid, but is more like a new child's toy right out of the box. This overwhelms everything else and is kind of distracting. Kinda wondering if it's contaminated, but can't tell. There's a touch of hop aroma and some lemony-citrus coming through, but not much.

Palate: Same thing here, a plasticy taste. I've never had a beer do this before...and given the cloudiness of it, I'm thinking it might be contaminated or something. The finish is the redeeming virtue, which hits me with a nice clean bitterness that serves to sort of help my palate forget about the plastic taste. There's a touch of citrus here too, but not much.

Proximity to the Style: Way off. The only thing that works is the bitterness.

Overall Impression: I don't know if all the bottles are like this, or just this one, but this bottle is definitely off. Seems like it could be a good beer if it weren't for that flaw, but I just could not make my mind get past it.

SCORE: ??/50​
(not gonna score because I think it was contaminated)​
HA! This brew certainly isn't for everyone. While I do have a batch that's infected, I can assure you that this one is not. This was a kind of 'Hop Suey' for all of the hops that I had that were reaching the limits of their age in my freezer.

It's certianly not the best of brews, but it wasn't meant to be. This was an experiment in IBU's. I call it 'Plutonium Beer' since it has a bit of a hazy glow about it. 180 IBU's and dryhopped twice with 2 oz each time.
Like I told ya when I sent it, there is no style for this beer. :drunk:

Once again, thanks for the reviews, Evan.
Evan! said:
I wonder where that new plastic taste comes from??

More reviews on the way!

I haven't had one of these for a while, so I'm going to have to chill a couple tonight to see if I can verify your findings.

Last one I had I don't remember a plastic taste, but then again I don't think that any of us are as critical of our own beers are we are of someone else's. That's what these reviews are for!
Glad you enjoyed the Ordinary Bitter so much.

It is WAY out of style for bitterness. BJCP 8A has a range of 25-35 IBU, mine is pushing 70. I've made this beer before and it was just too, well, ordinary for me. The hops in this may be a bit over the top for some (especially those on the other side of the pond), but the alcohol is right in line with style guidelines at 3.8%.

Did that bottle of Jingle Hell I sent ya have any carbonation?
I thought the bitter was quite balanced. Maybe it's a Special Bitter, but it's really balanced.

I haven't had the jingle hell yet. Every bottle so far has had nice carbo.
The Jingle Hell is the only one that I'm worried about. I only had like 3 or 4 of those left and they were all in twist-off bottles, so it might not be carbonated at all.

I'm going to try to reproduce JH soon with an AG recipe, but it's going to take a few batches to get it right. If I remember correctly it was either the 3rd or 4th batch on a WLP400 cake so a lot of the things that you noticed in it were from previous brews (grains of paradise, lemon).

I guess there are worse things in life than having to brew and consume multiple iterations of an Imperial Wit until I get it right. :drunk:

I know I said I would previously, but I'll really try to get the PM recipe for Jingle Hell posted soon for those that are interested.

Evan, your review just made my Ordinary Bitter recipe database worthy. :D

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