Well-Known Member
Please post your reviews of my brews here. Brews were sent out to Brewtopia, Evan! and Yuri_Rage
Brew coding reference (this is all from memory so some of the abv numbers may not be accurate but I will correct later this evening if I need to):
7S - AC/DC Stout - This is a double chocolate dark cheery stout that sat on light American oak chips for a bit under two weeks in secondary. 4.1%
8K - Kiltlifter Wee Heavy - Scottish Wee Heavy - 8.8%
9J - Jingle Hell - I like to refer to this as Hoegaarden on steriods
9.3% abv
10B - Blue Bitch - This is an 'Imperial' Hefe brewed with dried lemon peel, lemongrass, and bottled with blueberry extract. 9.8%
11H - Hoegaarden clone - this was my second attempt at a Hoegaarden clone
12K - Kolsch
13P - HoneyDo Porter - honey porter
SA - Summer Ale clone
15A - Apfelwine
16B - Baby light (a low carb beer that SWMBO bought a kit for... man is this beer overcarbonated)
17S - Snowman Ale - this was attempt #3 at Hoegaarden. I modified the recipe a bit from above, and used yeast that I cultivated from Hoegaarden bottles and stepped up several times rather than using WLP400.
CCA - everyone knows what this is
SAII - Summer Ale version 2.0 (may be a bit green if consumed prior to 9/20)
21DD - Hoegaarden clone ( or as I affectionately call it - Donkey Dick's Belgian Wit... it's a long story
)- This was attempt #4 at Hoegaarden (may be a bit green if consumed prior to 9/20).
I think that covers all of the different brews that I sent out to everyone.
Brew coding reference (this is all from memory so some of the abv numbers may not be accurate but I will correct later this evening if I need to):
7S - AC/DC Stout - This is a double chocolate dark cheery stout that sat on light American oak chips for a bit under two weeks in secondary. 4.1%
8K - Kiltlifter Wee Heavy - Scottish Wee Heavy - 8.8%
9J - Jingle Hell - I like to refer to this as Hoegaarden on steriods
10B - Blue Bitch - This is an 'Imperial' Hefe brewed with dried lemon peel, lemongrass, and bottled with blueberry extract. 9.8%
11H - Hoegaarden clone - this was my second attempt at a Hoegaarden clone
12K - Kolsch
13P - HoneyDo Porter - honey porter
SA - Summer Ale clone
15A - Apfelwine
16B - Baby light (a low carb beer that SWMBO bought a kit for... man is this beer overcarbonated)
17S - Snowman Ale - this was attempt #3 at Hoegaarden. I modified the recipe a bit from above, and used yeast that I cultivated from Hoegaarden bottles and stepped up several times rather than using WLP400.
CCA - everyone knows what this is
SAII - Summer Ale version 2.0 (may be a bit green if consumed prior to 9/20)
21DD - Hoegaarden clone ( or as I affectionately call it - Donkey Dick's Belgian Wit... it's a long story
I think that covers all of the different brews that I sent out to everyone.