American Pale Ale Bee Cave Brewery Haus Pale Ale

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Brewing 10 gals tomorrow. 5 gallons will be the exact recipe, and 5 will be dry hopped.

I can't wait. It will also be my first time using my new keggle with Bobby M's sightglass installed.
I brewed my third Haus Pale Ale this Monday (AG), but I have not seen any airlock activity yet. I wonder if I should pry the lid open and take a look?

btw, I keep yeast in a plastic container in my freezer, would that have anything to do with the yeast?

it might, yeast shouldn't be frozen, it kills it unless you take special precautions.
yes it is. i'm down to my last 5 gallons, so i brewed today, and just dropped 11 gallons into the fermentor. trying to stock up for summer
Brew day on this went great other than my boiloff rate was much less than I expected, so I ended up with 11 gallons rather than 10. No big deal except the OG was a little lower than expected.
yes it is. i'm down to my last 5 gallons, so i brewed today, and just dropped 11 gallons into the fermentor. trying to stock up for summer

Just checked the fermenter. Notty is doing its job vigoriously at 63 dg. this should be my best batch yet. everything went perfectly. OG was dead on at 1.051
i just put my last 5 gallon keg in yesterday. i dry hopped in the keg with 1oz of centennial. i have to say this is outstanding with the centennial. i hope I can get my next 10 gallons done before I finish this keg. It's way too addicting.
I love this recipe. : )
In my 2nd batch I used safale us-05, results were awesome.

This has been in the keg for about 2 1/2 weeks @ 11 psi. Whirlfloc used for clarity.
I brewed this and am trying to figure out why everyone likes it so much. it is very bland and tastes like something coors would produce. not something I will spend time to brew again for sure.
golfer said:
I brewed this and am trying to figure out why everyone likes it so much. it is very bland and tastes like something coors would produce. not something I will spend time to brew again for sure.

What's wrong w coors?...;-)

Huh, 1800 posts, you are certainly the minority.
Brewed an AG batch of this almost a month ago. It's been bottled for exactly one week and I know it's still early for an official taste test but I cracked one open anyways because it's been staring at me all week.

As far as color, it's pretty much on par with pics others have posted. Mine had about a half inch head on it for the first several minutes which has slowly been dissipating. At this point it is obviously a bit undercarbed because it has only been a week in the bottle.

A yeast smell is the first thing I noticed when I took a whiff, which again I am guessing is probably due to its young age. Flavor is mellow with just the right amount of bite from the hops. I could easily down several of these in a sitting. Very drinkable! I'm going to try to refrain from drinking the rest of the batch until its bottle conditioned for another 2-3 weeks.

Awesome recipe. :mug:
What would taste differences be like if i substituted pilsen malt for two row? Should there be any yeast or boiling differences with this sub?
I'm brewing my second 5.5 gallon batch of this right now! The first disappeared before it reached its prime!
Doing a mini-mash this time with Vienna and crystal as described in the original post. My first mini-mash :) Everything seems to be going smoothly so far! I am probably gonna dryhop it as well.
I brewed a 4 gallon batch of this last night (divided the recipe by 4/5) and my OG was 1.055-56. Was I off because of how I modified the recipe?
I brewed a 4 gallon batch of this last night (divided the recipe by 4/5) and my OG was 1.055-56. Was I off because of how I modified the recipe?

Could be, but since target OG is 1.051 and you only missed it by 0.004 points, the difference in ABV would only be something like 0.5%. (assuming it ferments down to 1.011 or so)
Hi all

would I have any luck using muntons dry yeast for this brew? I dont have easy access to nottingham or safale
Hi all

would I have any luck using muntons dry yeast for this brew? I dont have easy access to nottingham or safale

My exp with Munton's is that it does not attenuate as much as Notty or US-05. It also imparts a "yeasty" aroma and taste which is great for some Pale Ales but usually not present in APA styles. I also feel that Munton's will clear better than Notty, but it takes a longer time.
What would be an advantage to doing a secondary of the AG recipe at 60 degrees after 10 days fermenting in the primary. I was thinking of doing it for like a week? Also the temp in my house is about 65, is this ok for the primary? Thanks
I did a secondary for a week in my basement after 10 days at about 55 or so. I didn't have to use any fining agents cause it cleared very nicely. Kegged it, force carbed and a week later it was great. I just ran out this weekend while sharing it with friends. They were not happy cause I only had enough for everyone to get one pour. This will definitely be staying in my rotation..
So I made this as my first all grain and I think it went pretty well. It's 9 days since I brewed and I still have a little fermentation going on, the temp is in the low 60's. There is still some krausen on top which with the kits I've done would have gone already. Its a little patchy as well, is this normal? Please can you take a look at my pics and provide feedback.


I did 10 gallons last weekend. Used Nottingham for half and 1056 for the other half. Very curious to try them side by side.
Demon said:
I did 10 gallons last weekend. Used Nottingham for half and 1056 for the other half. Very curious to try them side by side.

Be sure to report back on that. I am very interested in what you find.
This recipe is cursed (for me)!! I'm so sad cuz it looks and sounds like a good pale ale.
It was my first all grain the 1st time I brewed it I didn't have any temp control and (like a dummy) brewed it in July. Tasted like plastic bananas.
I just brewed it again last week. Brew day went off w/out a hitch. Efficiency was low though. Ended up with OG of 1.043. Not tragic. pitched Nottinham at 70F. Cooled down to 65F and then brought it down to 60F where it is now. I sampled it this morning and it smelled really funky. Flavor was very dry (finshed at 1.010) with hardly any malt character at all. I'm thinking I got my first infection in 6 years. I'm going to let it sit another week. I also threw in .5 oz of cascade to dry hop in hopes of getting some aroma other than barnyard. I am so pissed. This recipe hates me!
Has anyone gotten any funky smells using Nottingham? I've used it before and its usually such a clean yeast. Must be brewer error:(
I tried this last month as my first ever partial mash. I got a little high on the mash temp 175ish and probably scorched the grains a little but it still taste fine, kind of like an IPA. Anyway my problem is after 3 weeks of bottle conditioning the three beers I've opened are all flat. I used 5 oz of priming sugar. It also turned out really dark. any idea what happened? Also would it be a bad idea to dump the rest of the beer into my keg and force carb?

I'm confused but happy. I had a funky smell in this beer and samples tasted odd too. I just let it sit, threw 1/2 oz of cascade to dry hop and tasted again. Now and funk seems to have left. Tastes nice dry and beady with nice hop crispness. Not sure why the initial funk but I'm pleased now.
I'm confused but happy. I had a funky smell in this beer and samples tasted odd too. I just let it sit, threw 1/2 oz of cascade to dry hop and tasted again. Now and funk seems to have left. Tastes nice dry and beady with nice hop crispness. Not sure why the initial funk but I'm pleased now.

How long did you give it before you bottled/kegged it?
How long did you give it before you bottled/kegged it?

Haven't kegged yet. Fermentation was complete in less than a week. It was 1.010 in about 4 days. I let it sit for a full 7 days and then put .5oz of Cascade to dry hop. I'll keg it once its been a full 2 weeks.
Maybe it was just too young, but I've never had any weird smells with Nottingham.
Haven't kegged yet. Fermentation was complete in less than a week. It was 1.010 in about 4 days. I let it sit for a full 7 days and then put .5oz of Cascade to dry hop. I'll keg it once its been a full 2 weeks.
Maybe it was just too young, but I've never had any weird smells with Nottingham.

WAY too young IMHO. Not much tastes good in under 2 weeks. Although a good mild is ready in just about 2-2.5 weeks. Just because its finished fermenting doesn't mean its done.
I'm confused but happy. I had a funky smell in this beer and samples tasted odd too. I just let it sit, threw 1/2 oz of cascade to dry hop and tasted again. Now and funk seems to have left. Tastes nice dry and beady with nice hop crispness. Not sure why the initial funk but I'm pleased now.

WAY too young IMHO. Not much tastes good in under 2 weeks. Although a good mild is ready in just about 2-2.5 weeks. Just because its finished fermenting doesn't mean its done.

yeah, I was gonna say, "that funk.. its green beer."
yeah, I was gonna say, "that funk.. its green beer."

good to know. I usually leave my beers for 10 days to 2 weeks in primary but this one I got terrible efficiency and it ended up with a low start gravity and fermented out so fast! I have used Nottingham before but don't remember it fermenting out so quickly. The funk just caught me off guard. I usually like the smell of fermenting beer but this one smelled wrong. I'm looking forward to getting it in the keg.