Baby in July/August - what to brew

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2007
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Any ideas of a beer to brew as a baby welcoming gift? We won't know if it will be a boy or girl till March.

Anyone else do this before? Have you kept (are you keeping) beer to open at a later date, or do people just pop the beers now and drink?
Brew something that can age for 21 years. Then they (and whoever else) can crack it to celebrate their birthday very uniquely...
Well, the baby's tolerance will be pretty low so I'd go with a low ABV session beer.

Seriously though, brew whatever type you want, since the baby will be arriving in the summer maybe do a wheat beer or a kolsch since they're lighter bodied and good in hot weather. And, there's no problem with brewing now and letting them age until july/august, actually many styles benefit from some aging
How bout a baby barleywine? I still have a lot of barleywines I brewed in June sitting around. In general, the higher ABV beers keep longer.
For the "welcome to the world" beer, just brew something you and your wife really enjoy.

A few folks have started batches of wine, barleywine, or mead to share with their children/grandchildren on the kids' 21st birthdays. You need to make something relatively high in alcohol and be EXTRA careful with sanitation during all phases. There are a few really cool stories like that floating around here someplace.
I was actually looking for something that can be popped now (August) and at the kid's 21st birthday:mug: . I always have beer on tap, so that part is taken care of.
How about mead? It's going to be young in August, but still drinkable. And you can open another bottle every year. I don't know if it'll be good in 21 years, but if properly cellared, it might make it. It'd be neat to have the "grown up" birthday parties after the rugrats go home when you kid is like 8 years old, and toast with the mead you made now.

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