Automated controller build

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Jul 30, 2017
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Hi all

I've not been brewing for a long while, but finally getting back into it. Main reason i stopped was because my controller died.

Thus i need to recreate one. I've been looking at options for purchasing one off the shelf. This is preferred over building another. But i've noticed that the rasberry pi or BrewPI build's don't look as complicated (at least from a hardware perspective).

That said, i've not been able to find any complete system diagrams. By this i mean whole (control) system, SSR's, power in (i.e. 30A 240V), pumps, etc etc. All I've found so far is the final automation diagrams, i.e. how to wire the BrewPI.

As i am doing a complete build I'm keen to understand this so i can decided if it's worth going down that path. It's quite tempting as it offers significant potential, and may even be cheaper as a PID control box replacement is around $1300.

Appreciate any advice. Would be happy to just have a link to a full system design.

Wrt BrewPi, the classic RaspberryPi plus Arduino UNO was/is a "cold side" controller for fermentation and conditioning control, and afaik the same is true of the Spark version that Elco followed with. I'm not aware of anyone using either for "hot side" work.

There are platforms that can manage brew days, like BruControl and a couple others - check out the Automation forum


I rewatched that video and i think it shows what i need.

Couple of questions though. I only have 1 power in (240V, 30 Amp), yet he has 3 different power ins. Also the SSR, he shows () is tiny. Surely to power 30 Amps you'd need a decent heat sink.

Otherwise this seems to confirm what i'm been wondering, that i can build this for far cheaper than a pre-build control box.
That video is a general guide, so I would simply split the 30a 240v inside the box to utilize one of the legs for 120v and use a AC-DC converter for 5v 2a needed for the Raspberry PI, and relay's (where needed). You definitely need a good heatsink for a 30a element. Use a 40a SSR where you can. Here's mine for example using two SSRs, contactors, internal DC power supply and XLR connected temp probes.


Input and outputs, left l14-30, two powercon connectors for 2 x 240a elements, and two additional 110v power for the pumps (controlled via relay).


Temp probes

Thanks so much that's so helpful.

If i wanted to automate the valves too, do they just go into the raspberry pi? Issue i'm finding is the valves need higher voltage than the 3.3v available.
There's a way to control servo's via CBPI (raspberry pi), but, I haven't implemented it myself. CBPI has a plugin for PCA9685 I2C PWM for servo's - with a board like this -- but I'm not exactly sure how to connect from t he PCA9685 to the servo if you need a DC-DC SSR or something (assuming).

Perhaps though you are just talking about just fully open or close (not something in between to limit), then those can (I think) be a normal relay like a DC-DC SSR. Control side will be a GPIO of 3v3 to ground, and the drive side will be 5v from a power supply.
Thanks again all. I've decided to either fix or get a PID based controller, but then think about getting building an automated fermentor control. I'll start here to l learn then perhaps get something to control the pumps and valvues, but not the elements (the PID system will be fine i think).
Yeah, first time out of the gate you may want to start with more manual type controls than worrying about figuring out all the interconnection between craftbeerpi and all the other stuff. I started out with normal PID and switches.