Well-Known Member
So frustaration is setting in and I haven't even brew my first batch. I posted a few day ago about issue with my glass/ceramic top range and the el cheapo pot (which will now be my MLT). Well the frustrations continue. I have almost all my other equipment except my BK. The burner is only 8" (GE Spectra Stove)
I picked up a clad bottom 20qt SS from Target, it was short and wide (12"). Good boil with lid on. Lid off, boil dies. (returning it on my lunch break).
Stopped by Wal-mart this AM and saw a 22qt pot of the same construction, this pot had a smaller bottom (10") and was taller. With a smaller bottom i'm hoping for a bit less heat loss and a better boil. Only one way to find out though.
Another option is to track down a 16qt and get some foam control drops. Anyone have luck with 2.5g batches and a 16qt pot?
Thought about a heat stick, while I could make one, i'm worried about possible wrath of the SWMBO.
Propane burner is out of the question as i'm trying to keep a relatively small and simple footprint in the house.
So in short...help!?!?!
I picked up a clad bottom 20qt SS from Target, it was short and wide (12"). Good boil with lid on. Lid off, boil dies. (returning it on my lunch break).
Stopped by Wal-mart this AM and saw a 22qt pot of the same construction, this pot had a smaller bottom (10") and was taller. With a smaller bottom i'm hoping for a bit less heat loss and a better boil. Only one way to find out though.
Another option is to track down a 16qt and get some foam control drops. Anyone have luck with 2.5g batches and a 16qt pot?
Thought about a heat stick, while I could make one, i'm worried about possible wrath of the SWMBO.
Propane burner is out of the question as i'm trying to keep a relatively small and simple footprint in the house.
So in short...help!?!?!