Argh! Can't find a pot that works!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
West Chester, PA
So frustaration is setting in and I haven't even brew my first batch. I posted a few day ago about issue with my glass/ceramic top range and the el cheapo pot (which will now be my MLT). Well the frustrations continue. I have almost all my other equipment except my BK. The burner is only 8" (GE Spectra Stove)

I picked up a clad bottom 20qt SS from Target, it was short and wide (12"). Good boil with lid on. Lid off, boil dies. (returning it on my lunch break).

Stopped by Wal-mart this AM and saw a 22qt pot of the same construction, this pot had a smaller bottom (10") and was taller. With a smaller bottom i'm hoping for a bit less heat loss and a better boil. Only one way to find out though.

Another option is to track down a 16qt and get some foam control drops. Anyone have luck with 2.5g batches and a 16qt pot?

Thought about a heat stick, while I could make one, i'm worried about possible wrath of the SWMBO.

Propane burner is out of the question as i'm trying to keep a relatively small and simple footprint in the house.

So in!?!?!
I used a 20 quart cheap stainless pot on an electric stove for a while and just did about a 3 gallon boil and topped the batch off with water that I had previously boiled. Similar to your problem I had a good boil with the cover on but it went down when the cover was removed but it still held a slight boil so I went with it and ended up for good beer. Another option is there are a few threads out there of people that have used foil type insulation around the BK to aid in boiling.

Oh I have read Flyguy's thread several times. I'm a littel wary of topping off an AG batch, granted i'm only looking at 2.5-3g in ther fermentor.

I wrapped the el cheapo pot in insulation wrapped, but its problem was not a totally flat bottom and being wide much wider. Same with the SS pot i tried last night (even wrapped in a towel. Having a glass top range its like a huge thing to have a perfectly flat bottom. Nad i'm sure the 8" element is a bit undersized.

I'm hoping I might get it going with the taller/thinner pot and a insulation wrap. If not I'll take it back and pick up at 16qt and try that. But the 16 qt I saw is wide as well. The hunt continues....
When I started with my extract batches, my stove wouldn't hold a real good boil with the lid completely off. I wrapped the lid in a dish towel and tied it over the handle and then placed the lid 80% on the pot. The thinking is that any condensation gets trapped in the towel and won't end up back in the wort. It added just enough to keep the boil going well.
Oh, I missed that you were doing AG. I guess I assumed the MLT comment was for a partial. Probably wouldn't work well to top off then.

Good luck with your search. :mug:
Sounds like you're already behind the 8-ball

Well that's a yes and no. She's fine with me brewing (took a little bit, but i'm really good at rationalizing and compromising), She just doesn't want to "junk up" or make a mess of the kitchen, hence why i'm treading lightly and doing a lot of reasearch and development before knocking out my first batch.

I can only imagine her response when she sees me stick a electric heating element in the brew pot in the kitchen. I would even get a chance to explain before it became bombs over baghdad
Well that's a yes and no. She's fine with me brewing (took a little bit, but i'm really good at rationalizing and compromising), She just doesn't want to "junk up" or make a mess of the kitchen, hence why i'm treading lightly and doing a lot of reasearch and development before knocking out my first batch.

I can only imagine her response when she sees me stick a electric heating element in the brew pot in the kitchen. I would even get a chance to explain before it became bombs over baghdad

Show her the posts here that explain how the heat stick is built
Show her diagrams of electric hot water heaters
We all make a train wreck when brewing, key is brew what she likes and clean up when you're done :D
Show her the posts here that explain how the heat stick is built
Show her diagrams of electric hot water heaters
We all make a train wreck when brewing, key is brew what she likes and clean up when you're done :D

Ah if it was only that easy...:tank:
ceramic ranges won't take a pot more than 1" wider than the burner ring because it can damage the rest of the cooktop/range.

you're probably better off with two 16qt pots and doing a double kettle, splitting all ingredients evenly between the two.

I've done that before.
I think you mentioned that on my only thread a few days ago. (thanks btw) I guess i was hoping that an all clad might help, luckily no damage in my first two pots I tested

1" wider in what way? A 10" pot would have a 1" over hang when centered on my 8" burner, but the difference is 2" in diameter. Otherwise wi ouwld need something close to a 9" diameter leaving 1/2" overhang. The 22qt I saw has a 10" bottom, but the 16qt is back up to 12". This is really getting frustrating. I'm not oppose to a split boil, just trying to limit some clutter in the kitchen before I resort to plan b or d or is it F at this point??