hey guys quick question for you here i am brewing a big imperial porter and my carboys are in a spare room well i walked in there and the cat was drinking out of it and i grabbed him and a bunch off his hair just fell right off into the wort like about a handful he is losing his hair cuz he is so old anyway i reached in there and tried to grab most of it but my pen fell in there and i got angry and jerked my head around ended up busting it on the window sill well sure enough im bleeding like a stuck pig and id say about a good two tablespoons went into the wort then so im yelling my head off and my ninety six year old grandfather even older than my cat wheels in and hes cussing at me but he sees the blood all over my head and face and the old fellow cant stand the sight of blood since the ardennes and he throws up pretty bad and id say maybe about a teaspoon of that got into the wort he tried to clean it up but his hands are pretty chapped and after twenty mintues or so of it he said the wort was kind of stinging his chapped skin so i just told him dont worry about it grandpa
so i guess my question is is my beer ruined
so i guess my question is is my beer ruined