April 2013 New England Group Buy

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Aug 13, 2010
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The order is CLOSED

This buy is open to everyone and the pickup location will be in Taunton, ma about 10 minutes off Rt 495

The sign up spread sheet is located here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhSLQbVFAE0wdFJIWTRWZjZmZ2lqOHoyT1FGcGZmcXc&usp=sharing

1. Need 84 sacks to order. Additional pallets can be added if there is demand for them in increments of 42 Sacks.
2. People will have to come and pick up their bags at the drop off location on a specific date and time after the order has been received. This will most likely be a Saturday morning (10am-12pm) following arrival of shipment. Volunteers would be appreciated to help sort and split grain s about an hour prior to pickup depending on the size of the order. All orders will be sorted prior to any being released.
3.The pricing on the spreadsheet is an approximation but will be close to actual.

We buy directly through NCM - this means that we will get true wholesale bulk pricing!
~$30 2Row + shipping (~$4-6)
~$40 Marris Otter + shipping (~$4-6)

To see the catalog, go

Pricing (Use 4000#+ pricing)
Pricing on the spread sheet is an estimate. Plan for about $4-6 per bag for shipping cost and (no tax) on your portion of the order. The prices should be pretty darn close but may vary slightly.

The pricing on this sheet has carried over from the last group buy and some may not be accurate. It would also be helpful if someone would verify the price per Lb and sack weight is accurate. Please let me know about any corrections needed and i will take care of it.

Cleaning Chemicals carry an additional HAZMAT surcharge and this cost will be spread out over all the chemical purchases. The first order entered on the sheet will see this entire charge added but as more chemical purchases are added it will automatically be adjusted.
Thanks for organizing this! And thanks to Redman for receiving!
You are correct it is half of what ever weight the grain comes in. So all the CM and GW stuff is 50# bags and the rest is mostly 55# bags. One thing is that i need to adjust the pricing to match the 2013 price list.
it is pretty easy you go to the spread sheet and input your order. Once we have enough people I will call and get a shipping quote. Most times we use Paypal to deal with the money. I am going to look into the amazon payment thing to see if that is a better deal for everyone.
Hey guys the top section of the sheet is for splits. Open splits will have a blue field and closed splits will have a green field.When the split is full you can just make a new one with the type of grain you want to split. If you scroll down to the bottom section you will find the full bag section. If the grain that you are looking for isn't listed just let me know and I will add it.
So I am giving this careful consideration and the cost of getting to Taunton would most definitely offset any savings that I would get by buying in bulk.

The only hope that I have would be if someone that lives a closer to me (Northern NH or somewhere closer to Northern VT) would pick up my grains and then I could arrange to meet you and pick them up from you.

I am in the midst of a search to try and find brewers closer to me that I could get together with and learn. (Golddiggie your offer from a long time ago is still on my mind)

There really seems to be no great interest in brewing in these remote regions of VT so far from "civilization".
This in and of itself confuses me because I have discovered that brewing is one of the many things that makes living so far from people more tolerable.
spices really dont have a spot so pm me and I will add them to my list.

Brewkinger I would just ask the thread about picking up for you. I would bet that you find someone to help out.
For splits, if you want a type that is "closed", just list that type again?
Thank you for putting this together.
Im in as well, thanks for putting this together. I was wondering though if we could add the Fawcett Rye Malt to the price sheet (code TW-RYEA), I appreciate it.
It seems to be closed, but the total # of bags is 96, which if I understand correctly is more than the 84 on 2 separate pallets.
So are the remaining 12 on a 3rd pallet, or is this closed?
I know that I am late, but I had to sit down and really figure out the logistics last night to make sure that I would be able to work out a pickup with someone else.
I sent Redman a PM asking to see if he can fit the 3rd pallet in his garage. For right now leave it as is don't add anymore to the list.

Also there is someone that did not add your name to the list and just ordered under the name new buyer 11 if you don't fix it but the morning I will take you off the list
Is this still open? Look away for 5 minutes and this thing fills up.

I know....

Last night when I was trying to work out the details of having someone else pick up my order, I checked and there was less than a pallet.
This morning when I go to put in my request, there is 2.25 pallets.
Guess that I will not delay next time.

On a different topic ACC... glad that all is well in Watertown.

If this falls through, I would consider trying to setup an order to be delivered up in my neck of the woods. If the grains are coming from Champlain,NY that is less than 2 hours from me.
There we go I will change the sheet. Please don't add bags after the limit is reached.

The main issue is that it has been a long time since the last order was placed.
Does anyone want to split a box of sani-clean? it is the same as star-san but the low foaming version.

Also if anyone wants to split a bag of paradise seeds let me know.
Don't forget how much work goes into these buys. There are numerous thank yous in posts here. If you scroll to the bottom cell in spreadsheet there is a column to add donations to the originator's of the purchase. Everyone throws in a couple bucks it would be a nice gesture, and a true display of gratitude.
Anyone want to split chocolate malt? I posted 1/4 bag of BM-5400. Lots of dark brews ... mmm

I can help others with transport to central MA - PM me.

Thank you for mentioning the donations, I was not aware of it.
I am going to try new way of receiving payment in the past we used Paypal and checks. The last buy I did there were some issues with Paypal and the use of the gift option. So what I am thinking is that we could use checks for payment. If you are close to Newton and want to stop in for a beer drop off your check you are welcome to do that or you can send it in the mail. Once we fill the 3rd pallet I will call and get a shipping quote and lock in the price per bag.