Anyone using a chest freezer to store their beer? Temp control?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
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A mini-fridge isn't quite right for me, and I don't currently have space for a whole new fridge. I'm hoping a chest freezer has enough control to actually pull it above freezing temps and let me store my beer in it as if it were a fridge. Anyone else doing this or know if it is possible?

I also like the idea of getting a full size fridge in the future and using this chest freezer for kegging/beer on tap.
No thanks, I'm just wondering if a chest freezer can be go above 32F with its stock controller and no additional expense.
some might be able to, but you can pick up Johnson controllers for ~$25 on ebay, much better option IMHO.

Are you talking about just storing beer for serving? That's all the stock controller would be good for, it allows too much variation for anything else.
Yeah, I have two chest freezers, one for fermentation and one for my kegs. I needed temp controllers for both.
I use a chest freezer to store and serve my tasty brew.

I use a freezer. get a controller. the only other way you could do it is with a household timer, lots of experimenting, and only sub-standard results at maintaining a stable temp.

even if you don't look hard, you can get a controller for $30-$40...its worth it.